in your earlier email you were complaining about the log messages printed by cfgtrace feature of debugger module (as error level). Acutally, if you look at them, you see the line number and name of the actions executed in the kamailio.cfg
Given that, read those logs written for the invite and see why the call is forwarded to voicemail, maybe you have a wrong expression in some IF.
Cheers, Daniel
On 02/04/14 20:51, mark li wrote:
I'm using kamailio as a sip proxy and registrar, and freeswitch for all media services like vmail, conference calls, ivrs etc. I just set up vmail ... and it seems to be working. Except that it appears that I've broken something else because now when I call extB from extA, instead of ringing first for a little while and then having the vmail kick in afterwards, vmail kicks in right away. someone mentioned that it could be a forking problem. I'm afraid I don't really understand what this means. just wondering if you can point me in the right direction list, as far as what I should be looking for in the kamailio.cfg file...
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