Hi, CDRTool can calculate the price of a call involving various spans (rates). But it does it wrongly since the start time for each span is set to the start time of the call, so the price is much higher than the correct one.
An example: This is a call of more than 3 days of duration. Note that in spans 2, 3 and 4 the "StartTime" is 2008-02-16 15:57:05 in all (the start time of the call), and note also that the "Duration" of spans 2, 3 and 4 are the sum of each span and its previous spans:
-- Span: 1 Duration: 28975 s StartTime: 2008-02-16 15:57:05 (Europe/Madrid) ProfileId: 01 Festivo for weekend RateId: Reducida for 0-24h Rate: 0.0100 / 60 s Price: 4.8292 -- Span: 2 Duration: 115375 s <---- WRONG !!! StartTime: 2008-02-16 15:57:05 (Europe/Madrid) <---- WRONG !!! ProfileId: 01 Festivo for weekend RateId: Reducida for 0-24h Rate: 0.0100 / 60 s Price: 19.2292 -- Span: 3 Duration: 144175 s <---- WRONG !!! StartTime: 2008-02-16 15:57:05 (Europe/Madrid) <---- WRONG !!! ProfileId: 01 Laboral for weekday RateId: Reducida for 0-8h Rate: 0.0100 / 60 s Price: 24.0292 -- Span: 4 Duration: 229878 s <---- WRONG !!! StartTime: 2008-02-16 15:57:05 (Europe/Madrid) <---- WRONG !!! ProfileId: 01 Laboral for weekday RateId: Normal for 8-22h Rate: 0.0300 / 60 s Price: 114.9390 -- Total: 163.0765