Hi Alfred, thanks for cleaning and tidying the config file. That's the one thing I need to learn. I like cleanness in the code too :). I will use it and replace the current ser.cfg on iptel.org.
Also, thanks for comments about the Content Type.
The update of my doc is postponed since I'm quite busy at the end of the semester at my uni.
Alfred E. Heggestad wrote:
Hi Lada
many thanks for putting this together. I have now spent some time cross-merging between your config file, and my own. I have tested both and they are working fine. I have some minor feedback to your config file, see the patch below (ser_config_2_0-minor.patch)
The majority of my comments are about indentation and whitespace, most people probably dont care about that, but I prefer that the config file looks clean and tidy, with no trailing whitespace, only tab etc. I hope you can consider that for your "main" file.
A major comment is here:
if ((status =~ "(183)|2[0-9][0-9]") &&
!search("^Content-Length: 0")) {
if ((status =~ "(183)|2[0-9][0-9]") &&
search("^(Content-Type|c):.*application/sdp")) { force_rtp_proxy();
- basically instead of calling force_rtp_proxy() for all messages with
content-length>0, we should check that the content type is SDP instead. Also my fix supports compact header form of "Content-Type"..
you can download my config file from here: (also attached)
Ladislav Andel wrote:
Hi all, I have added nathelper support to basic ser.cfg file of Ottendorf release. It is a simple setup without any complexity of using other features such as connectivity_realm etc. You can download it at http://www.iptel.org/ser/howtos/optimizing_the_use_of_rtp_proxy File is called ser_config_2_0.txt
The more complex one will come with updated document soon.