just short clarification ...
On 6/22/12 10:07 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
- The FLT_NATS and FLB_NATB flags. I'd like to know what this stands
for, I guess "flag for transaction - NAT" and "flag for branch - NAT" but what do the S and the B stand for? More importantly what do these
IIRC: s....script b....branch
indeed there are script and branch flags, but in this case the defined IDs for flags followed the pattern:
- TYPE was used as: T - transaction/message flags, B - branch flags, S - script flags (but none of these are used in default config) - DESC - anything that should suggest the purpose, in this case: NATS - natted source, NATB - natted outgoing branch
Feel free to improve if you want/find something more suggestive, it's what I was thinking of when I updated to use defines for flags...
Cheers, Daniel