El Lunes, 21 de Enero de 2008, Klaus Darilion escribió:
Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
Hi, "Remote-Party-ID" is a draft ("draft-ietf-sip-privacy-04") [1] expired in 2002 while "P-Asserted-Identity" is a official RFC (3325) [2].
I'd like to know why OpenSer manages RPID in some functions ("auth" module) instead of PAI. I assume that some gateways just implement RPID and so, but can't understand why PAI is ignored (the use of PAI is extended in gateways).
RPID was never an RFC, but it was implemented by Cisco and all of the Cisco stuff out there support it.
PAI is supported only by newer Cisco stuff.
I can confirm that Nortel CS2000 allows both RPID and PAI. ;)
Later, ser/openser become more flexible (pseudo variables, AVPs ...) and you could load AVPs from DB and add a new header with the AVP. Thus, for adding a header with values read from database there was no reason anymore to implement a certain add_pai_hf function as you could do everything with append_hf and AVPs.
Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.