El Thursday 05 June 2008 17:45:56 Klaus Darilion escribió:
Do you have the domain hardcoded in the authenticate function? If not openser tries to detect it from the from header (anonymous.invalid) and thus may not find the authorization header.
No, I've it fixed. Note the 407 nad next INVITE in my first message ;)
----------- SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm="my_domain.net", nonce="4838005d57e5ee0a1f96430d63696fe1407ef93e", qop="auth" -----------
----------- INVITE sip:1414@my_domain.net SIP/2.0 From: "Anonymous" sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid;tag=emirn Privacy: id P-Preferred-Identity: "IBC" sip:ibc@my_domain.net Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="ibc", realm="mt_domain.net", nonce="4838005d57e5ee0a1f96430d63696fe1407ef93e", uri="sip:1414@my_domain.net", response="061d82967778669a01e53d168f2da93b", algorithm=MD5, cnonce="9n7ln49l46", qop=auth, nc=00000001 -----------