Hello to all!
I encountered strange issue with rtpengine: voice during a call is heard
like random binary data. (Video freezes during a video call). *It goes fine
during 2-3 seconds* before the media flow becomes glitched. It's related to
SRTP calls only (RTP-SRTP, SRTP-RTP, SRTP-SRTP). RTP calls through
mediaproxy are ok.
Used platform: Red Hat Linux 6.4, rtpengine (3.3.0 ?, latest form GitHub),
kamailio (4.2.0-dev6) + websocket module. I have successfully installed
(manually) mediaproxy daemon, Kamailio module, iptables library and kernel
module. Kernel module was loaded (lsmod lists it, there are file in
/proc/mediaproxy/0) and iptables were configured as expected.
Mediaproxy log looks fine except of a few suspicious messages "No support
for kernel packet forwarding available". I'm not sure they are related to
the mentioned problem but I would like to have working kernel support.
Attached example is for SIP-to-websocket call.
rtpengine confguration is:
<> *
That would be great if you make any suggestions/comments on this issue.
Need to mention that I haven't saw such problems on Debian Linux.
Couple of other questions:
- What does message "Call-ID to delete not found" means?
- "x_tables" is mentioned as required in the documentation for rtpengine
kernel module (xt_MEDIAPROXY). Seems to be for Debian only. Is it required
for other distros?
with best regards,