於 三,2007-03-07 於 15:06 +0200,Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 提到:
Hi Bernard,
but, do you see any sip reply from the proxy? or the request is silently dropped?
The reply is 404 not found.
also, increase the debugging level (set it to 9) and get a full log - maybe something will be relevant there...
I switched the debug level to 9 and found this:
3(6119) parsed uri: type=1 user=<91900>(5) passwd=<>(0) host=<voip.mobileclusters.com>(23) port=<>(0): 0 params=<>(0) headers=<>(0) 3(6119) uri params: transport=<>, val=<>, proto=0 3(6119) user-param=<>, val=<> 3(6119) method=<>, val=<> 3(6119) ttl=<>, val=<> 3(6119) maddr=<>, val=<> 3(6119) lr=<> 3(6119) parsed uri: type=1 user=<1900>(4) passwd=<>(0) host=<voip.mobileclusters.com>(23) port=<>(0): 0 params=<>(0) headers=<>(0) 3(6119) uri params: transport=<>, val=<>, proto=0 3(6119) user-param=<>, val=<> 3(6119) method=<>, val=<> 3(6119) ttl=<>, val=<> 3(6119) maddr=<>, val=<> 3(6119) lr=<> 3(6119) PDT: update_new_uri: len=27 uri=sip:1900@[::ffff:ca7a:6903] 3(6119) parsed uri: type=1 user=<1900>(4) passwd=<>(0) host=<[::ffff:ca7a:6903]>(18) port=<>(0): 0 params=<>(0) headers=<>(0) 3(6119) uri params: transport=<>, val=<>, proto=0 3(6119) user-param=<>, val=<> 3(6119) method=<>, val=<> 3(6119) ttl=<>, val=<> 3(6119) maddr=<>, val=<> 3(6119) lr=<> 3(6119) grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 16==24 && [::ffff:ca7a:6903] == [2002:D203:FE9:0:0:0:1:10] 3(6119) grep_sock_info - checking if port 15060 matches port 5060 3(6119) grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 16==18 && [::ffff:ca7a:6903] == [FEE0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1] 3(6119) grep_sock_info - checking if port 15060 matches port 5060 3(6119) grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 16==23 && [::ffff:ca7a:6903] == [0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:C0A8:AA5] 3(6119) grep_sock_info - checking if port 15060 matches port 5060 3(6119) DEBUG:check_self: host != me 3(6119) DEBUG: t_newtran: msg id=8 , global msg id=7 , T on entrance=0xffffffff 3(6119) parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff 3(6119) parse_headers: flags=78 3(6119) t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=46102, isACK=0 3(6119) DEBUG: RFC3261 transaction matching failed 3(6119) DEBUG: t_lookup_request: no transaction found 3(6119) DBG: trans=0xb5c4a020, callback type 1, id 0 entered 3(6119) parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff 3(6119) check_via_address(2002:D203:FE9:0:0:0:1:4, [2002:d203:fe9::1:4], 0) 3(6119) WARNING:vqm_resize: resize(0) called 3(6119) DEBUG:tm:_reply_light: reply sent out. buf=0x813f150: SIP/2.0 1..., shmem=0xb5c48340: SIP/2.0 1 3(6119) DEBUG:tm:_reply_light: finished 3(6119) parsed uri: type=1 user=<1900>(4) passwd=<>(0) host=<[::ffff:ca7a:6903]>(18) port=<>(0): 0 params=<>(0) headers=<>(0) 3(6119) uri params: transport=<>, val=<>, proto=0 3(6119) user-param=<>, val=<> 3(6119) method=<>, val=<> 3(6119) ttl=<>, val=<> 3(6119) maddr=<>, val=<> 3(6119) lr=<> 3(6119) DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup... 3(6119) check_via_address(2002:D203:FE9:0:0:0:1:4, [2002:d203:fe9::1:4], 0) 3(6119) ERROR: udp_send: sendto(sock,0xb5c44938,1052,0,0xb5c4a12c,28): Invalid argument(22) 3(6119) CRITICAL: invalid sendtoparameters one possible reason is the server is bound to localhost and attempts to send to the net 3(6119) msg_send: ERROR: udp_send failed
Obviously the sendto() failed. And I have these in the openser.cfg:
check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v) dns=no # (cmd. line: -r) rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R) listen=udp:[2002:d203:fe9::1:10]:15060 listen=udp:[fee0::1:1]:15060 listen=udp:[::ffff:c0a8:0aa5]:15060 port=15060 children=4
Regards, Bernard Chan.