On 7/6/10 10:32 AM, Alex Balashov wrote:
On 07/06/2010 04:24 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
On 7/6/10 10:16 AM, Alex Balashov wrote:
Based on this, I think I was erroneous in suggesting that plain flags (setflag, isflagset) are transaction-associated. They seem to be message-associated, not transaction. Is this right?
in first place is associated to message, then inherited to transaction (when that is created) and kept for the life of the transaction. So both associations are true, of course, a matter of whether the transaction was created or not at respective time.
Oh, I see. The documentation on the dokuwiki suggests they are only message-association.
I was pretty sure I had used flags in a transaction-bound way at some point when I wrote the original response. However, I did not remember for sure because I tend to use variables for almost everything transaction-associated these days just due to the nature of the data in most cases.
Probably would be good to improve the page a bit, is pretty old.
I found this statement:
"They provide a very easy and fast way of keeping states during processing a request or during a transcation, if Kamailio (OpenSER) is in stateful mode."
but none that says is for request only.
Cheers, Daniel