Hello all again,
why is it that the docs http://iptel.org/ser/doc/ser-howto/ser-Howto.html is telling me to do a "/usr/local/sbin/ser_mysql.sh"
but this is what I am getting:
[root@bbcom-ser ser-0.8.11]# /usr/local/sbin/ser_mysql.sh usage: ser_mysql.sh create ser_mysql.sh drop (!!entirely deletes tables) ser_mysql.sh reinit (!!entirely deletes and than re-creates tables ser_mysql.sh backup (dumps current database to stdout) ser_mysql.sh restore <file> (restores tables from a file) ser_mysql.sh copy <new_db> (creates a new db from an existing one) ser_mysql.sh reinstall (updates to a new SER database)
if you want to manipulate database as other MySql user than root, want to change database name from default value "ser", or want to use other values for users and password, edit the "config vars" section of the command ser_mysql.sh
Shout I just do a "/usr/local/sbin/ser_mysql.sh create"
Also I am trying to enter SIP users [Cisco 7940] I need some knowledge on the SER tables 1. which tables need to be populated to enable SIP devices to access the SER? 2. is just subsciber only?
mysql> show tables; +-----------------+ | Tables_in_ser | +-----------------+ | acc | | active_sessions | | aliases | | config | | event | | grp | | location | | missed_calls | | pending | | phonebook | | reserved | | silo | | subscriber | | version | +-----------------+ 14 rows in set (0.00 sec) Peter David Network Engineer BBCOM, Inc. Office 213-489-2156 x228 pdavid@bbcominc.com