Your phone needs to respond to the unauthorized 401... did you put the password in the phone? Is the software on the phone current?
I am running several 7960 phones no problem.
Also, your ngrep output needs to be fixed to print newlines :-)
Chris Monahan wrote:
Guys, please help me out here.
When I uncomment this in my ser.cfg:
if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) { www_challenge("", "0"); break; };
my Cisco 7960 phones are unable to register with the ser Server.
Basically, the phone sends a REGISTER, and the ser server sends back 401 Unauthorized. How do I allow the phones to be authorized? If I comment these lines, the ser works great and my two phones can call each other.
I am using a mysql database... Is there a command to add a registered device?
NGREP shows this:
U -> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip:ctest@ sip:ctest@ 00036b3c-2e33007e-653539fe- 314cbc28@ Thu, 04 Dec 2003 21:40:40 GMT..CSeq: 102 REGISTER..User-Agent: CSCO/4..Contact: sip:ctest@ Digest username= "LINE 2",realm="",uri="sip:",response="1c90541dc3d33153cfd9d278c2171e18",nonce="3fcfaa82021d76bd83d8ef539ff0a49ca92e2d54",algorithm=md5..Content- Length: 0..Expires: 3600.... # U -> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip:ctest@ sip:ctest@;tag=b27e1a1d33761e85846fc98f5f3a7e58.904a..Call- ID: 00036b3c-2e33007e-653539fe-314cbc28@ 102 REGISTER..WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="", nonce="3fcfaa82021d76bd83d8ef539ff0a49ca92e2d54" ..Server: Sip EXpress router (0.8.12 (i386/linux))..Content-Length: 0..Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=13375 req_src_ip= req_src_p ort=50208 in_uri=sip: out_uri=sip: via_cnt==1"....
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