Dear Ravi,
It appears to be a compatibility issue between the new RTPproxy and OpenSER/nathelper. I have committed a fix, which is included into the latest 1.2 snapshot of the RTPproxy available at Please try and let me know if it still doesn't work. Please also note that you also need to issue start_recording() in the onroute_reply section, otherwise the RTPproxy would only record media in one direction.
Thank you for the reporting!
LetMeKnow wrote:
Hello user's OpenSER and RTPproxy
Am to integrate the openser and rtprpxy for live recording of converstions.
Am just to try to how to do the recording in openser and rtpprpxy Am using openser-1.3.2 and Rtpproxy-1.2 . in my Lab, means proxy and UAC's all are in internal LAN.
In openser.cfg