I am testing my ser server by using Windows Messenger and Kphone. Eventually, I will use phone later.
Thanks, MOhammad
On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 16:50 +1100, Zeus Ng wrote:
If you just want MESSAGE, follow my previous advice. There is no need for rtpproxy. As for online status, the pa module should be able to help. Can't offer much help on this as I don't use this module much.
-----Original Message----- From: Mohammad Khan Sent: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 4:14 PM To: Zeus Ng Cc: 'serusers' Subject: RE: [Serusers] Please help...
Thanks for replying me.
Again, My SER behind NAT, so is rtpproxy. rtpproxy and ser running on the same machine.
consider these two UA register outside my network. UA1 (kphone) -> beeplove@projuktee.com (my domain) UA2 (windows messenger) -> beeplove@iptel.org (other domain)
@ UA1 can send message UA2 and UA2 receives that message @ UA1 can't see UA2's status. In other words, UA1 dont know if UA2 is online. So is UA2. @ As windows messenger can't send message to any user that appears to offline, UA2 can't start sending message to UA1 but UA2 can send message to UA1 once it get message from UA1.
What do you think?