On 15-06 23:49, Jev wrote:
Hi all,
I'm running ser along with rtpproxy and the nathelper module. My layout is as follows, I have a ser proxy running on the public Internet, and I have a bunch of UAs behind a nat firewall. I'm currently having the problem that UAs behind nats register successfully, and they can make calls to each other from inside and outside nat. At this point all looks great.
I have been running the natping_interval at 30 seconds, and recently I have put that down to 5 for testing purposes.
The following happens to all my UAs but I will detail just one.
The UA registers with ser at 14:26:39 It receives an invite, which gets canceled and a bye/ok is completed at 14:27:30 UDP pings cease to enter the private network via the nat router at at 14:32:36 The UA re-registers at 14:56:37, and the udp packets start again, and the above cycle seems to be repeated.
I can still make outbound calls after the udp pings stop, but I can't receive calls. I'm not sure if the udp pings are still being sent by ser, and they are getting dropped at my router.
That's important to know. If they are sent by ser and dropped by the NAT then it is possible that your NAT requires two-way traffic to keep the bindings open. If they are not sent by SER then the contacts in the user location database expired because the user agent had failed to update them.