Our company seeking for programmer who can create module for flexible database access.
I call it db_rest (or db_http). This module must provide internal database API for other modules like db_auth. For access to external data it must use HTTPS-server and use REST-style data access (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer).
Instead of making query like "SELECT f1,f2,f3 FROM tableA WHERE f4 = 'somevalue'" it must call HTTPS-server like this: GET http://hostname/database/tableA&c=f1,f2,f3&k=f4&op=eq&v=some...
Server must return delimiter-separated data. Similarly (using POST) it must implement support for insert, update and so on.
Of course we would like to see this module inside the main project repository.
If you are interested please contact me for details (requirements, $$).