On 12/10/10 2:17 PM, Pan B. Christensen wrote:
Hello, My customer has the following database design. Voip server 1 talks to SQL server 1. Voip server 2 talks to SQL server 2. Voip 1 and Voip 2 are load-balanced. Each SQL server has two databases. Database 1 contains semi-static data like call forwarding properties for users and is read-only. This is replicated from a third SQL server which the web interface writes to. Database 2 is read/write, is not replicated and contains data that is updated frequently like user location and now dialog info. Voip server 1 is not allowed to talk to SQL server 2 and vice versa. I'm using forward() to send authenticated REGISTERs to the other server so that it'll write this to RAM and its own SQL server. Thus, both servers are aware of clients authenticated and registered by the other server. How can I make both servers be aware of active calls on the other server?
what is the purpose?
Practically, it is not possible to track a call in two instances, because, unlike registration where is just a storage of mappings between contact and aor, call states of dialog module involve more processing logic, including timeouts and sending BYEs.
Cheers, Daniel