Yes, after the application of the patch I solved my problem.
Thanks Matteo
Il giorno mar, 02/12/2008 alle 13.00 o0200, Elena-Ramona Modroiu ha scritto:
Hi Matteo,
check_domain is available in mainstream starting with version 1.4. Iñaki uploaded the patch for 1.3
Regards, Ramona
Matteo Piazza wrote:
I checked but with the version 1.3 the parameter check_domain doesn't exist.
Regards Matteo
Il giorno ven, 28/11/2008 alle 13.26 +0100, Iñaki Baz Castillo ha scritto:
El Viernes, 28 de Noviembre de 2008, Matteo Piazza escribió:
I'm running 1.3.3 version,
Is there any options on the module params?
modparam("pdt", "check_domain", 0)