2009/5/28 Pascal Maugeri pascal.maugeri@gmail.com:
FYI, I've changed the configuration to:
tcp_children=8 tcp_send_timeout=3 tcp_connect_timeout=5
and it looks we get less often the problem described here ( tcp_connect/send time out error).
This is a good workaround, but the problem is that it replies on the clients behaviour and it shouldn't occur (a server cannot get "blocked" due to clients problems). I hope TCP handling will be improved in SIP-Router.
I confirm that the problem was triggered by the fact that our client is using TCP only and that the tcp connections were unavailable after some presence test (many NOTIFY messages sent to TCP).
I'm curious to know how many children do you use in a typical configuration ? 4, 8, more? Of course it depends on the traffic expected but let me know that this is parameter you always increase in a production environment.
Theorically you can add so many TCP listeners as you desire (depending on your CPU's and memory). But if your environment makes high usage of TCP then increase it as much as possible.