On 4/13/10 8:39 PM, Alex rsm wrote:
My Kamailio server uses an external mysql database with perl script to proxy traffic. When mysql server is unreachable, Kamailio do not respond with 100 Trying and instead responses with 484 (Address Incomplete) to the INVITE message. Is this a normal behavior? I need to response with 503 when mysql is unreachable. Can I do it in kamailio.cfg or I need to implement it in the perl script?
kamailio is replying automatically in very few cases. In case you use default confing, then 484 address incomplete is coming from the check for calls not having a username in r-uri.
100 trying is sent by t_relay(). You can send 503 from config as you need. mysql connectivity is hidden behind some modules, like authentication, which will return false and from config will be a new challenge (in this particular case). mysql module has support for auto-connect.
Cheers, Daniel
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