Hi James
I ended up first using:
$var(rr) = $(hfl(Record-Route){tobody.uri}{uri.param,rr}); to get my rr
param I wanted to remove and then the s.rm function from textops.
And as I fear, there is no function to change 'one' header, I ended
And then re-insert the 'corrected' header in a while loop.
Well thinking about it just now, RR header should be at the beginning
of he message, maybe I need to get $hflc and then do a reverse while
loop and use insert_hf instead of append_hf
By the way, the rr parameter for adding ftag to the RR
header fields
can later be used to see which direction (the is_direction() function)
the request is going in, so you may not even need to change the
Record-Route values if you use that.
I am logging is_direction to find out how it exactly behaves. I also
considered using this function but I am not yet sure i fully understand
what it does, especially within replies.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon- @ HomeOffice und normal erreichbar
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
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