El Thursday 19 June 2008 18:29:29 Klaus Darilion escribió:
Iñaki Baz Castillo schrieb:
El Thursday 19 June 2008 17:30:34 Klaus Darilion escribió:
Iñaki Baz Castillo schrieb:
El Thursday 19 June 2008 16:51:57 Iñaki Baz Castillo escribió:
Hi, I'm experimenting problems with my carrier gateway since sometimes it doesn't reply "100 Trying" in several seconds. I set "fr_timer" to 12 seconds so after this time the transaction is closed.
In case the response ("100 Trying") arrives more than "fr_timer" seconds to OpenSer, does OpenSer forward it upstream as RFC3261 indicates? or does Openser drop it?
Ok, it drops it, confirmed.
AFAIK "100 trying" must not be relayed.
Yes sure, I meant also a 183 Session Progress.
183 is not relayed back to UAC?
Not if the 183 is not matched against and existing OpenSer client transaction. Maybe there is an option (dissabled by default for sure) to allow non matching replies being forwarded upstream? I expect yes, since it's the behaviour in stateless.