Yes, issue got resolved by adding this openser user id manually onto the system by root.
On Feb 8, 2008 5:15 AM, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Friday 08 February 2008, Kalinda G wrote:
Openser admins!
I did installation of OpenSER using the source from SVN, and noticed
openser unix id no longer added by itself during installation (i.e. make all; make install). See the following file which state that openser to
started by id openser.
$ egrep "USER|GROUP" /etc/default/openser USER=openser GROUP=openser $
I can manually add openser but want to make sure if something got broken along the line. Btw, there was another installation done 2007-12-26 via SVN, I do not re-call adding this id manually. Could someone confirm
Suppose this id has to be added manually, what other associated items
to reflect this change. Thanks!
i'm not aware that openser creates a 'openser' user during the install. The only thing i remember is that a 'openser' user is created during the installation of a build debian package. The 'etc/default' file is also used for this installation target, not sure about the 'make install' target, or other distributions..