Did you test fr_timer or fr_inv_timer? I just re-tested the fr_timer
with the default noisy_ctimer (that is 0), and then with noisy_ctimer
set to 1. In both cases OpenSER generated 408 reply to the caller, but
did not generate CANCEL to the called party. May be, if you were testing
fr_inv_timer, then OpenSER generated both 408 and CANCEL regardless of
the setting of the noisy_ctimer. Should we open a bug report about this?
El Sábado, 23 de Febrero de 2008, Anatoly Pidruchny
By the way, the "408 Request Timeout"
reply to the caller is always
generated when one of the timers expires, it does not matter if
noisy_ctimer parameter is set or not.
Sorry, it's strange, I've tested now and OpenSer generates the CANCEL and 408
even if "noisy_ctimer" is 0. I can sure that time ago I tryed it and just
generated them if that parameter wa set to 1. ¿?¿