Maybe this isn't the right place.
Just installed SIREMIS (4.3.0) on a kamailio 5, everything works with the admin user, but when creating a SIP USER, after clicking on "Save" the page goes to which just shows a blank page.
Nevertheless, the user IS created and shows up on the "user management", but when the user tried to login, after clicking on "login", it shows a "processing login" and a pop-up comes up ( which just show a "1"
here's the log:
{code} '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id, T0.username, T0.password, T0.enctype, T0.email, T0.status, T0.lastlogin, T0.lastlogout, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by, T0.update_time FROM user T0 WHERE T0.username='nocadmin' and status='1' LIMIT 1 BIND: ','n/a' '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id, T0.username, T0.password, T0.enctype, T0.email, T0.status, T0.lastlogin, T0.lastlogout, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by, T0.update_time FROM user T0 WHERE T0.username='nocadmin' LIMIT 1 BIND: ','n/a' '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id, T0.first_name, T0.last_name, T0.display_name, T0.company, T0.department, T0.position, T0.fast_index, T0.photo, T0.phone, T0.mobile, T0.fax, T0.zipcode, T0.province, T0.city, T0.street, T0.country, T0.email, T0.webpage, T0.qq, T0.icq, T0.skype, T0.yahoo, T0.misc, T0.type_id, T1.name, T0.sortorder, T0.user_id, T0.published, T0.default, T0.access, T0.params, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by, T0.update_time FROM contact T0 LEFT JOIN contact_type T1 ON T1.id = T0.type_id WHERE (T0.published=1 or T0.user_id='4') AND T0.user_id='4' ORDER BY T0.sortorder ASC, T0.id ASC LIMIT 1 BIND: ','n/a' '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id, T0.user_id, T0.role_id, T1.name, T1.startpage FROM user_role T0 INNER JOIN role T1 ON T1.id = T0.role_id WHERE T0.user_id='4' BIND: ','n/a' '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Insert Sql = INSERT INTO event_log (user_id, ipaddr, event, message, comment, timestamp) VALUES (:_v1, :_v2, :_v3, :_v4, :_v5, :_v6); BIND: 4,,LOGIN,MSG_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL,a:2:{i:0;s:8:"nocadmin";i:1;s:13:"";},2017-04-27 20:25:22','n/a' '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','New record Id is 14','n/a' '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id, T0.username, T0.password, T0.enctype, T0.email, T0.status, T0.lastlogin, T0.lastlogout, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by, T0.update_time FROM user T0 WHERE T0.username='nocadmin' LIMIT 1 BIND: ','n/a' '04/27/2017','20:25:22','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Update Sql = UPDATE user SET lastlogin = :_v1, update_by = :_v2, update_time = :_v3 WHERE id='4'; BIND: 2017-04-27 20:25:22,4,2017-04-27 20:25:22','n/a' {code}
nothing else is shown, nothing happens...
Thanks for your help! Regards,
David Villasmil email: david.villasmil.work@gmail.com phone: +34669448337 ᐧ