On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 01:15:58PM +0900, Tahiro Hashizume wrote:
The hard part is how you will differentiate the REGISTERS from asterisk to the sipserver.
The imaginary solution to this in my head is telling Kamailio to listen to (N=0-4) on dummyN as well, to which Asterisk can register by using"register => 1N@ntt-east.ne.jp:<PASSWD>:001N@<EXTL_TELNUM>"
Even simpler, didn't think of just sending to differenct ipadresses. So just set the forced ip to sip:$Ri:$Rp. If you use $fs instead of the old force_send_socket() it is as simple as: $fs="sip:$Ri:$Rp".