Hi all,
I have a strange problem with the audio with some calls. I have setup RTPProxy and nathelper modules. I came across an error saying the RTP proxy was disabled but solved it by searching the archives and executing:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.ser.berlios.de:/cvsroot/ser co rtpproxy.
This worked fine and my audio was transmitted. However every now and again (apparently at random) my audio doesnt work.When I look at the error logs in /var/log/messages, I see the following:
ERROR: send rtpp_command: cant read reply from a rtp proxy WARNING: rtpp_test: cant get version of the RTP proxy WARNING: rtpp_test: support for the rtp proxy has been temporarily disabled ERROR: force_rtp_proxy2: support for porxy disabled.
The CVS command fixes it temporarily. Does this mean I just have to run the command randonly every so often?...Is there a way to permanently fix this?
Thanks, Aisling.
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