i tryied your way to rout the call to other side in case of Busy on No Response. but i asterisk is receiving this call it is replying with 403 Forbidden or some times 407 Proxy Authentication Required. is this ok.
is this ok i have dialplane for the UAS it should invoke the Voicemail for the callee.
thanks Kamran
--- Andreas Granig andreas.granig@inode.info wrote:
Kamran Ahmad wrote:
my question is there any way to check wheather UAS
busy or not responding then forword it to other asterisk proxy server for callforword,confrence or PSTN according to dialplan(extension.conf).
Try something like this:
route{ # ... lookup("location"); t_on_failure("1"); t_relay(); }
failure_route[1]{ if(t_check_status("486")) { # busy, so rewrite to new location here, then: t_relay(); } }
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