Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
ring-timeout is a callee-feature, and I've no idea how to load
uuid-based callee AVPs with less then two queries (first select the
uuid, then call avp_db_load). Caller UUID is fetched using
load_credentials, though.
actually it is a matter of personal taste ;). I rather
see it as a
caller option - how long are you willing to let the call ringing....
Well, as caller you can cancel the call whenever you like, so I don't
see a sense in setting a timeout here. On the other hand, as callee you
have the possibility to provision a call-forward-no-answer (which will
come soon ;o) ) after $ringtimeout seconds, e.g. to the voicebox, if you
don't want to pick up the phone.