On 10-01 21:39, Greg Fausak wrote:
I see these every now and then...
Jan 10 20:22:35 build ser[14278]: authorize(): Invalid nonce value received, very suspicious !
This either means that the client modified the nonce or you started ser again and forgot to kill the previous instance of the server.
Jan 10 20:22:53 build ser[14278]: is_user(): No authorized credentials found (error in scripts)
This means you call some function from auth module and didn't call authorize before that. Some functions from auth module need authorized credentials and if issue this error if the message contains no authorized credentials.
Jan 10 20:23:28 build ser[14278]: is_user(): No authorized credentials found (error in scripts) Jan 10 20:40:45 build ser[14272]: db_close(): Invalid parameter value
You can ignore this one.
Jan 10 20:40:56 build ser[14419]: authorize(): Invalid nonce value received, very suspicious ! Jan 10 20:41:09 build ser[14421]: WARNING: sip_msg_cloner: header body ignored: 4096
I think it is when I stop and start the server manually. Should I be worried? Is there a more graceful way of restarting?
Use the init script distributed with ser.
regards, Jan.