it looks like there is something wrong with the answer you receive from cdrtool (could be wrong handled by connector too...).
Can u post me the cdrtool syslog? There it should be seen the answer received.
Cheers, DanB
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 7:27 PM, raul2r2 raul2r2@gmail.com wrote:
Hi DanB... Finally i have to set up manually, nothing different from README configuration and from my older platform running previous version of freeradius-cdrtool (1.1)... It's doesn't matter, setting up manually is enough for me... Thank you. I have other stupid problem... first one is extracting gateway ip in authorization section of the script. I see it is extracted from NAS-IP-Address... this contain the loopbak ip how i can change this parameter in openser to send my real gateway ip? The second one isn't so easy and it's possible that have some kind of relation with the previous one. When the script tries to do and endsession over cdrtool (6.6.9) rating engine, it raises the following exception: rlm_python [freeradius-cdrtool]: DebitBalance CallId=27874A50-6363-3C25-6B88-6FBCB76686C6@ From=admin@goldslam.com To=sip:0034XXXXXXXXX@ Gateway= Duration=9 rlm_python:EXCEPT:exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find' I'll try to investigate a bit more why this is happening... Cheers.