On 12/14/11 1:14 AM, Brandon Armstead wrote:
I am running into a problem where I am experiencing duplicated
INVITE's being originated from Kamailio proxy.
U 2011/12/13 23:58:17.543802 KAMAILIO:5060 -> PSTN:5060 INVITE sip:URI@PSTN SIP/2.0.
U 2011/12/13 23:58:17.543840 KAMAILIO:5060 -> PSTN:5060 INVITE sip:URI@PSTN SIP/2.0.
As you can see that the timestamp between the two invites is literally a fraction of seconds.
There is no failure condition that is causing this with append_branch
There is no retransmission timer issue that is causing this (using default timing):
modparam("tm", "retr_timer1", 500) modparam("tm", "retr_timer2", 4000)
Any thoughts / ideas - as this is causing a race condition in which there is a 200 OK that is being sent back from upstream -- and we are then CANCELING the 2nd INVITE which is essentially causing on overall problem with the call.
Thanks for all help / thoughts / input in advance, thanks!
if there is a CANCEL for second INVITE, then it is parallel forking with two branches. If you can provide ngrep with the INVITEs, I can confirm it properly. Can you check there are not two contacts in usrloc?
Cheers, Daniel