Can someone please confirm that I cannot use a script var or avp in the set field when calling ds_select_dst from the dispatcher module? I'm trying to use dialplan to return a gateway group via attr, then call ds_select_dst with that but get the following error in my logs. If this is my problem are there any workarounds? The goal is to call ds_select_dst with a dynamic value. Example - ds_select_dst("$var(dpattr)", "0")
Jun 24 14:50:49 [1125] ERROR:core:fixup_get_ivalue: no valid PV value found (error in scripts)
Jun 24 14:50:49 [1125] ERROR:dispatcher:w_ds_select_dst: no dst set value
If I hardcode the value which in this case is 30 it works as expected. I've verified that the correct value is in $var(dpattr) with an xlog right before the call to ds_select_dst.
if ($ruri.user =~ "[0-9]{4}") {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "KAM_HOST: ($ci) $pr $mi route[$rm][0] $fu -> $ru - Internal 4 digit call\n");
if (dp_translate("2", "$ruri.user/$var(dpuser)")) {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "KAM_HOST: ($ci) -> DP result='$var(dpuser)', attr='$var(dpattr)'\n");
} else {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "KAM_HOST: ($ci) -> No matching dialplan for $ru\n");
} some other if statements here with other pattern matches...
if (isflagset(FLAG_DIALPLAN)) {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "KAM_HOST: ($ci) -> DP Attr is $var(dpattr)\n");
if (ds_select_dst("$var(dpattr)", "0")) {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "KAM_HOST: ($ci) $pr $mi route[$rm][0] $fu -> DST='$avp(s:dispatcher-dst)', \
GRP='$avp(s:dispatcher-grp)', CNT='$avp(s:dispatcher-cnt)'\n");
} else {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "KAM_HOST: ($ci) $pr $mi route[$rm][0] $fu -> $ru - No dst gateways found\n");
sl_send_reply("404", "No destination gateways found\n");
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