Hello list,
I am using Kamailio 5.0.2 on centos7 and I am trying to use the dont_strip_or_prefix_flag ( https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.0.x/modules/lcr.html#idp49131644) for LCR routing but I discovered that just by declaring the flag like this the module won't prefix my calls: #!define LCR_DONT_STRIP_OR_TAG 7 modparam("lcr", "dont_strip_or_prefix_flag", LCR_DONT_STRIP_OR_TAG)
It doesn't matter if I set or reset the flag it never prefix the ReqUR if the declaration is present. I have to remove the declaration to make the module prefix it correctly. But then the whole purpose of the flag is lost....Anyone aware of this behaviour?
Regards, Patrick Wakano