Hello All, I am trying to get the presence module on Kamailio 3.3.1 working with integrated XCAP and resource lists.
The clients I am using to test are: Jitsi and Boghe.
I am following the configuration as specified by the respective module documentation: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules_k/xcap_server.html http://kb.asipto.com/kamailio:presence:k31-made-simple http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/presence:presence-module and http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules_k/rls.html
The server is up and running but it doesn't seem like it's working for either one of the clients.
I checked the archives and someone had a similar issue in Aug and switched back to releases 3.2/3.1. Has anything been resolved? Are there any changes that need to be made to the documentation for 3.3 to support this functionality.
Any help is appreciated. If tcpdumps for the respective clients are desired I can provide them.
Thanks, Sangeeta