The js client cannot know this information, and hence cannot send it. What you’re seeing is normal for SIP over websockets. It should just work. What issues are you experiencing?
With kind regards Pan B. Christensen Developer
Phonect AS Brugata 19, PB 9156 Grønland, N-0133 Oslo, Norway E-mail: pan.christensen@phonect.nomailto:pan.christensen@phonect.no Mobile: 41 88 88 00
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From: sr-users sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org On Behalf Of vinod mn Sent: fredag 1. juni 2018 20:21 To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.org Subject: [SR-Users] configuring websockts in kamilio
hi configured websockets on kamilio 5.1.3 I am trying to register the client based on webrtc client ,(sip.js) the registration is fine but i am not getting the correct address if i run "kamctl ul show"
In the address filed I want the sip:<id>@<ip>:<portsip:%3cid%3e@%3cip%3e:%3cport> ex: sip:12345@
output shows: { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "Domains": [{ "Domain": { "Domain": "location", "Size": 1024, "AoRs": [{ "Info": { "AoR": "1xxxxxxxxx", "HashID": 1xxxxx, "Contacts": [{ "Contact": { "Address": "sip:eg84vjhr@p6ggglrk0gsh.invalid;transport=ws", "Expires": 397, "Q": 1, "Call-ID": "ma4feu2i43bnu6ophe4k78", "CSeq": 86, "User-Agent": "SIP.js/0.5.0-devel BB", "Received": "sip:X.X.X.X:56087;transport=ws", "Path": "[not set]", "State": "CS_NEW", "Flags": 0, "CFlags": 192, "Socket": "tcp:X.X.X.X:8080", "Methods": 783, "Ruid": "uloc-5b116457-1dc1-03", "Instance": "urn:uuid:0e879ebf-0a31-45a8-9fd9-6b937d3328d4", "Reg-Id": 1, "Server-Id": 0, "Tcpconn-Id": 259, "Keepalive": 1, "Last-Keepalive": 1527876355, "Last-Modified": 1527876355 } }] } } ], "Stats": { "Records": 1, "Max-Slots": 1 } } }] }, "id": 18958 }
In the address filed I want the sip:<id>@<ip>:<portsip:%3cid%3e@%3cip%3e:%3cport> ex: sip:12345@
Please give me any suggestions on this, which webrtc client can i use to register to kamailio and able to receive on the client and to make outbound calls from the client.
-- Thanks and regards Vinod.M.N