Hi, good morning
there is something I want to ask, I'm really stuck looking for a solution, haven't found it yet,
So I want to make Webrct able to call SIP and PSTN numbers via SIP trunk, but it keeps failing For testing as follows:
webrct => SIP OK webrct => PSTN NOK webrct => webrct OK SIP => webrct OK SIP => PSTN OK SIP => SIP OK
Thank you very much in advance
this is error log from kamailio
webrct => PSTN gagal dan error muncul seperti ini :
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 /usr/sbin/kamailio[28300]: INFO: : START WEBSOCKET : INVITE from sip:500@domain.name (IP: websocket id 12
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 /usr/sbin/kamailio[28300]: INFO: : MANAGE_BRANCH: New branch [0] to sip:+6282311XXXXXX@IP_SIP_TRUNK:5060
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 /usr/sbin/kamailio[28300]: INFO: : NATMANAGE branch_id:0 ruri: sip:+6282311XXXXXX@IP_SIP_TRUNK:5060, method:INVITE, status:, extra_id: z9hG4bK46635730, rtpengine_manage: replace-origin replace-session-connection via-branch=extra rtcp-mux-demux DTLS=off SDES-off ICE=remove RTP/AVP
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: INFO: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [control] Received command ‘offer’ from
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: NOTICE: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [core] Creating new call
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: WARNING: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [core] Ignoring updated remote endpoint as the local socket is IPv4
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: WARNING: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [core] Ignoring updated remote endpoint as the local socket is IPv4
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: INFO: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [control] Replying to ‘offer’ from (elapsed time 0.005891 sec)
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 /usr/sbin/kamailio[28280]: INFO: : BRANCH FAILED: z9hG4bK4663573 + 0
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: INFO: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [control] Received command ‘delete’ from
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: INFO: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [core] Scheduling deletion of call branch ‘’ (via-branch ‘z9hG4bK46635730’) in 30 seconds
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 rtpengine[16670]: INFO: [eq07esfe0a3mcjvpait6]: [control] Replying to ‘delete’ from (elapsed time 0.000210 sec)
Aug 16 11:25:16 esbdev01 /usr/sbin/kamailio[28280]: INFO: : Failure:
and this is log from webrct browser using jssip
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:54 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | SessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: {"peerConnectionOptions":{"rtcConfiguration":{"iceServers":[{"urls":"turn:domain_name:443?transport=tcp","username":"websip","credential":"websip"},{"urls":"turns:domain_name:80?transport=tcp","username":"websip","credential":"websip"}]},"iceCheckingTimeout":5000}} LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:54 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | initPeerConnection LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:54 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | New peer connection created LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:54 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | acquiring local media LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | acquired local media streams LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | createOffer LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | resetIceGatheringComplete LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | Setting local sdp. LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | sdp is v=0 o=- 5499752371154858348 2 IN IP4 s=- t=0 0 a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 a=extmap-allow-mixed a=msid-semantic: WMS 2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 110 112 113 126 c=IN IP4 a=rtcp:9 IN IP4 a=ice-ufrag:c/YU a=ice-pwd:7VB8/SEvBOYMyPpKgYKzOpPK a=ice-options:trickle a=fingerprint:sha-256 92:73:F2:E2:70:7C:43:BD:59:3A:6C:F3:7D:B9:9F:75:19:81:4C:40:0E:DA:63:D9:FF:90:60:41:49:E6:B0:9C a=setup:actpass a=mid:0 a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level a=extmap:2 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time a=extmap:3 http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01 a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id a=extmap:6 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id a=sendrecv a=msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 a=rtcp-mux a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2 a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc a=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1 a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000 a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000 a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000 a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000 a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000 a=rtpmap:110 telephone-event/48000 a=rtpmap:112 telephone-event/32000 a=rtpmap:113 telephone-event/16000 a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000 a=ssrc:3068753223 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:3068753223 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 a=ssrc:3068753223 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:3068753223 label:f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 121 127 120 125 107 108 109 35 36 124 119 123 118 114 115 116 c=IN IP4 a=rtcp:9 IN IP4 a=ice-ufrag:c/YU a=ice-pwd:7VB8/SEvBOYMyPpKgYKzOpPK a=ice-options:trickle a=fingerprint:sha-256 92:73:F2:E2:70:7C:43:BD:59:3A:6C:F3:7D:B9:9F:75:19:81:4C:40:0E:DA:63:D9:FF:90:60:41:49:E6:B0:9C a=setup:actpass a=mid:1 a=extmap:14 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset a=extmap:2 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time a=extmap:13 urn:3gpp:video-orientation a=extmap:3 http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01 a=extmap:12 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/playout-delay a=extmap:11 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/video-content-type a=extmap:7 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/video-timing a=extmap:8 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/color-space a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id a=extmap:6 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id a=sendrecv a=msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=rtcp-mux a=rtcp-rsize a=rtpmap:96 VP8/90000 a=rtcp-fb:96 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:96 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:96 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:96 nack a=rtcp-fb:96 nack pli a=rtpmap:97 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:97 apt=96 a=rtpmap:98 VP9/90000 a=rtcp-fb:98 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:98 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:98 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:98 nack a=rtcp-fb:98 nack pli a=fmtp:98 profile-id=0 a=rtpmap:99 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:99 apt=98 a=rtpmap:100 VP9/90000 a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:100 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:100 nack a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli a=fmtp:100 profile-id=2 a=rtpmap:101 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:101 apt=100 a=rtpmap:102 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:102 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:102 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:102 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:102 nack a=rtcp-fb:102 nack pli a=fmtp:102 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42001f a=rtpmap:121 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:121 apt=102 a=rtpmap:127 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:127 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:127 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:127 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:127 nack a=rtcp-fb:127 nack pli a=fmtp:127 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42001f a=rtpmap:120 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:120 apt=127 a=rtpmap:125 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:125 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:125 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:125 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:125 nack a=rtcp-fb:125 nack pli a=fmtp:125 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f a=rtpmap:107 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:107 apt=125 a=rtpmap:108 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:108 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:108 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:108 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:108 nack a=rtcp-fb:108 nack pli a=fmtp:108 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42e01f a=rtpmap:109 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:109 apt=108 a=rtpmap:35 AV1X/90000 a=rtcp-fb:35 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:35 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:35 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:35 nack a=rtcp-fb:35 nack pli a=rtpmap:36 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:36 apt=35 a=rtpmap:124 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:124 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:124 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:124 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:124 nack a=rtcp-fb:124 nack pli a=fmtp:124 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=4d0032 a=rtpmap:119 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:119 apt=124 a=rtpmap:123 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:123 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:123 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:123 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:123 nack a=rtcp-fb:123 nack pli a=fmtp:123 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=640032 a=rtpmap:118 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:118 apt=123 a=rtpmap:114 red/90000 a=rtpmap:115 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:115 apt=114 a=rtpmap:116 ulpfec/90000 a=ssrc-group:FID 1593038176 4012956172 a=ssrc:1593038176 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:1593038176 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:1593038176 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:1593038176 label:1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:4012956172 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:4012956172 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:4012956172 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:4012956172 label:1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | waitForIceGatheringComplete LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE is not complete. Returning promise LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | RTCIceGatheringState changed: gathering LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:3250795810 1 udp 2122260223 10.XX.XX.XX 63469 typ host generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 2 network-cost 50 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:211156821 1 udp 2122194687 192.XXX.X.X 50637 typ host generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 1 network-cost 10 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:3250795810 1 udp 2122260223 10.XX.XX.XX 55429 typ host generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 2 network-cost 50 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:55 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:211156821 1 udp 2122194687 192.XXX.X.X 50147 typ host generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 1 network-cost 10 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:2403387858 1 tcp 1518280447 10.XX.XX.XX 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 2 network-cost 50 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:1108738981 1 tcp 1518214911 192.XXX.X.X 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 1 network-cost 10 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:2403387858 1 tcp 1518280447 10.XX.XX.XX 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 2 network-cost 50 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate received: candidate:1108738981 1 tcp 1518214911 192.XXX.X.X 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag c/YU network-id 1 network-cost 10 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | RTCIceGatheringState changed: complete LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.transport | sending WebSocket message:
INVITE sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK4035596 Max-Forwards: 70 To: sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name From: "webrtc" sip:500@domain_name;tag=t9cuh03rp3 Call-ID: eq07e6in98hmjs1uulas CSeq: 8516 INVITE Contact: sip:tfqbf6kb@asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;transport=ws;ob Allow: ACK,CANCEL,INVITE,MESSAGE,BYE,OPTIONS,INFO,NOTIFY,REFER Supported: outbound User-Agent: SIP.js/0.13.6 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 6891
v=0 o=- 5499752371154858348 2 IN IP4 s=- t=0 0 a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 a=extmap-allow-mixed a=msid-semantic: WMS 2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w m=audio 63469 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 110 112 113 126 c=IN IP4 10.XX.XX.XX a=rtcp:9 IN IP4 a=candidate:3250795810 1 udp 2122260223 10.XX.XX.XX 63469 typ host generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:211156821 1 udp 2122194687 192.XXX.X.X 50637 typ host generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=candidate:2403387858 1 tcp 1518280447 10.XX.XX.XX 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:1108738981 1 tcp 1518214911 192.XXX.X.X 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=ice-ufrag:c/YU a=ice-pwd:7VB8/SEvBOYMyPpKgYKzOpPK a=ice-options:trickle a=fingerprint:sha-256 92:73:F2:E2:70:7C:43:BD:59:3A:6C:F3:7D:B9:9F:75:19:81:4C:40:0E:DA:63:D9:FF:90:60:41:49:E6:B0:9C a=setup:actpass a=mid:0 a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level a=extmap:2 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time a=extmap:3 http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01 a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id a=extmap:6 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id a=sendrecv a=msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 a=rtcp-mux a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2 a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc a=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1 a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000 a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000 a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000 a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000 a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000 a=rtpmap:110 telephone-event/48000 a=rtpmap:112 telephone-event/32000 a=rtpmap:113 telephone-event/16000 a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000 a=ssrc:3068753223 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:3068753223 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 a=ssrc:3068753223 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:3068753223 label:f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 m=video 55429 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 121 127 120 125 107 108 109 35 36 124 119 123 118 114 115 116 c=IN IP4 10.XX.XX.XX a=rtcp:9 IN IP4 a=candidate:3250795810 1 udp 2122260223 10.XX.XX.XX 55429 typ host generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:211156821 1 udp 2122194687 192.XXX.X.X 50147 typ host generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=candidate:2403387858 1 tcp 1518280447 10.XX.XX.XX 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:1108738981 1 tcp 1518214911 192.XXX.X.X 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=ice-ufrag:c/YU a=ice-pwd:7VB8/SEvBOYMyPpKgYKzOpPK a=ice-options:trickle a=fingerprint:sha-256 92:73:F2:E2:70:7C:43:BD:59:3A:6C:F3:7D:B9:9F:75:19:81:4C:40:0E:DA:63:D9:FF:90:60:41:49:E6:B0:9C a=setup:actpass a=mid:1 a=extmap:14 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset a=extmap:2 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time a=extmap:13 urn:3gpp:video-orientation a=extmap:3 http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01 a=extmap:12 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/playout-delay a=extmap:11 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/video-content-type a=extmap:7 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/video-timing a=extmap:8 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/color-space a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id a=extmap:6 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id a=sendrecv a=msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=rtcp-mux a=rtcp-rsize a=rtpmap:96 VP8/90000 a=rtcp-fb:96 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:96 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:96 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:96 nack a=rtcp-fb:96 nack pli a=rtpmap:97 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:97 apt=96 a=rtpmap:98 VP9/90000 a=rtcp-fb:98 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:98 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:98 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:98 nack a=rtcp-fb:98 nack pli a=fmtp:98 profile-id=0 a=rtpmap:99 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:99 apt=98 a=rtpmap:100 VP9/90000 a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:100 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:100 nack a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli a=fmtp:100 profile-id=2 a=rtpmap:101 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:101 apt=100 a=rtpmap:102 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:102 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:102 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:102 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:102 nack a=rtcp-fb:102 nack pli a=fmtp:102 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42001f a=rtpmap:121 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:121 apt=102 a=rtpmap:127 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:127 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:127 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:127 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:127 nack a=rtcp-fb:127 nack pli a=fmtp:127 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42001f a=rtpmap:120 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:120 apt=127 a=rtpmap:125 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:125 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:125 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:125 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:125 nack a=rtcp-fb:125 nack pli a=fmtp:125 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f a=rtpmap:107 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:107 apt=125 a=rtpmap:108 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:108 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:108 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:108 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:108 nack a=rtcp-fb:108 nack pli a=fmtp:108 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42e01f a=rtpmap:109 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:109 apt=108 a=rtpmap:35 AV1X/90000 a=rtcp-fb:35 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:35 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:35 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:35 nack a=rtcp-fb:35 nack pli a=rtpmap:36 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:36 apt=35 a=rtpmap:124 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:124 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:124 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:124 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:124 nack a=rtcp-fb:124 nack pli a=fmtp:124 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=4d0032 a=rtpmap:119 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:119 apt=124 a=rtpmap:123 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:123 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:123 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:123 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:123 nack a=rtcp-fb:123 nack pli a=fmtp:123 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=640032 a=rtpmap:118 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:118 apt=123 a=rtpmap:114 red/90000 a=rtpmap:115 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:115 apt=114 a=rtpmap:116 ulpfec/90000 a=ssrc-group:FID 1593038176 4012956172 a=ssrc:1593038176 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:1593038176 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:1593038176 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:1593038176 label:1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:4012956172 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:4012956172 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:4012956172 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:4012956172 label:1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE candidate gathering complete LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.transport | received WebSocket text message:
SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required Via: SIP/2.0/WSS asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK4035596;rport=43402;received= To: <sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name
From: "webrtc" sip:500@domain_name;tag=t9cuh03rp3 Call-ID: eq07e6in98hmjs1uulas CSeq: 8516 INVITE Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm="domain_name", nonce="YRnf9GEZ3shCY5HMSWfzE6ctJ5ig1Kd7" Server: kamailio (5.5.0 (x86_64/linux)) Content-Length: 0
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.transport | sending WebSocket message:
ACK sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK7163476 Max-Forwards: 70 To: <sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name
From: "webrtc" sip:500@domain_name;tag=t9cuh03rp3 Call-ID: eq07e6in98hmjs1uulas CSeq: 8516 ACK Supported: outbound User-Agent: SIP.js/0.13.6 Content-Length: 0
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.transport | sending WebSocket message:
INVITE sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK6711062 Max-Forwards: 70 To: sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name From: "webrtc" sip:500@domain_name;tag=t9cuh03rp3 Call-ID: eq07e6in98hmjs1uulas CSeq: 8517 INVITE Proxy-Authorization: Digest algorithm=MD5, username="500", realm="domain_name", nonce="YRnf9GEZ3shCY5HMSWfzE6ctJ5ig1Kd7", uri="sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name", response="da7c3cf9c21d8aa85f72c5e723f8d42c" Contact: sip:tfqbf6kb@asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;transport=ws;ob Allow: ACK,CANCEL,INVITE,MESSAGE,BYE,OPTIONS,INFO,NOTIFY,REFER Supported: outbound User-Agent: SIP.js/0.13.6 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 6891
v=0 o=- 5499752371154858348 2 IN IP4 s=- t=0 0 a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 a=extmap-allow-mixed a=msid-semantic: WMS 2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w m=audio 63469 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 110 112 113 126 c=IN IP4 10.XX.XX.XX a=rtcp:9 IN IP4 a=candidate:3250795810 1 udp 2122260223 10.XX.XX.XX 63469 typ host generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:211156821 1 udp 2122194687 192.XXX.X.X 50637 typ host generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=candidate:2403387858 1 tcp 1518280447 10.XX.XX.XX 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:1108738981 1 tcp 1518214911 192.XXX.X.X 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=ice-ufrag:c/YU a=ice-pwd:7VB8/SEvBOYMyPpKgYKzOpPK a=ice-options:trickle a=fingerprint:sha-256 92:73:F2:E2:70:7C:43:BD:59:3A:6C:F3:7D:B9:9F:75:19:81:4C:40:0E:DA:63:D9:FF:90:60:41:49:E6:B0:9C a=setup:actpass a=mid:0 a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level a=extmap:2 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time a=extmap:3 http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01 a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id a=extmap:6 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id a=sendrecv a=msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 a=rtcp-mux a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2 a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc a=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1 a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000 a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000 a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000 a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000 a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000 a=rtpmap:110 telephone-event/48000 a=rtpmap:112 telephone-event/32000 a=rtpmap:113 telephone-event/16000 a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000 a=ssrc:3068753223 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:3068753223 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 a=ssrc:3068753223 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:3068753223 label:f8941c64-0252-4ab7-b1c5-3731f47c9fd7 m=video 55429 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 121 127 120 125 107 108 109 35 36 124 119 123 118 114 115 116 c=IN IP4 10.XX.XX.XX a=rtcp:9 IN IP4 a=candidate:3250795810 1 udp 2122260223 10.XX.XX.XX 55429 typ host generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:211156821 1 udp 2122194687 192.XXX.X.X 50147 typ host generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=candidate:2403387858 1 tcp 1518280447 10.XX.XX.XX 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 2 network-cost 50 a=candidate:1108738981 1 tcp 1518214911 192.XXX.X.X 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 10 a=ice-ufrag:c/YU a=ice-pwd:7VB8/SEvBOYMyPpKgYKzOpPK a=ice-options:trickle a=fingerprint:sha-256 92:73:F2:E2:70:7C:43:BD:59:3A:6C:F3:7D:B9:9F:75:19:81:4C:40:0E:DA:63:D9:FF:90:60:41:49:E6:B0:9C a=setup:actpass a=mid:1 a=extmap:14 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset a=extmap:2 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time a=extmap:13 urn:3gpp:video-orientation a=extmap:3 http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01 a=extmap:12 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/playout-delay a=extmap:11 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/video-content-type a=extmap:7 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/video-timing a=extmap:8 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/color-space a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id a=extmap:6 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id a=sendrecv a=msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=rtcp-mux a=rtcp-rsize a=rtpmap:96 VP8/90000 a=rtcp-fb:96 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:96 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:96 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:96 nack a=rtcp-fb:96 nack pli a=rtpmap:97 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:97 apt=96 a=rtpmap:98 VP9/90000 a=rtcp-fb:98 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:98 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:98 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:98 nack a=rtcp-fb:98 nack pli a=fmtp:98 profile-id=0 a=rtpmap:99 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:99 apt=98 a=rtpmap:100 VP9/90000 a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:100 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:100 nack a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli a=fmtp:100 profile-id=2 a=rtpmap:101 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:101 apt=100 a=rtpmap:102 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:102 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:102 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:102 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:102 nack a=rtcp-fb:102 nack pli a=fmtp:102 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42001f a=rtpmap:121 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:121 apt=102 a=rtpmap:127 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:127 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:127 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:127 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:127 nack a=rtcp-fb:127 nack pli a=fmtp:127 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42001f a=rtpmap:120 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:120 apt=127 a=rtpmap:125 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:125 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:125 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:125 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:125 nack a=rtcp-fb:125 nack pli a=fmtp:125 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f a=rtpmap:107 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:107 apt=125 a=rtpmap:108 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:108 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:108 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:108 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:108 nack a=rtcp-fb:108 nack pli a=fmtp:108 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42e01f a=rtpmap:109 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:109 apt=108 a=rtpmap:35 AV1X/90000 a=rtcp-fb:35 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:35 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:35 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:35 nack a=rtcp-fb:35 nack pli a=rtpmap:36 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:36 apt=35 a=rtpmap:124 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:124 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:124 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:124 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:124 nack a=rtcp-fb:124 nack pli a=fmtp:124 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=4d0032 a=rtpmap:119 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:119 apt=124 a=rtpmap:123 H264/90000 a=rtcp-fb:123 goog-remb a=rtcp-fb:123 transport-cc a=rtcp-fb:123 ccm fir a=rtcp-fb:123 nack a=rtcp-fb:123 nack pli a=fmtp:123 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=640032 a=rtpmap:118 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:118 apt=123 a=rtpmap:114 red/90000 a=rtpmap:115 rtx/90000 a=fmtp:115 apt=114 a=rtpmap:116 ulpfec/90000 a=ssrc-group:FID 1593038176 4012956172 a=ssrc:1593038176 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:1593038176 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:1593038176 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:1593038176 label:1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:4012956172 cname:vdFflh5e6U+kdnYw a=ssrc:4012956172 msid:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w 1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637 a=ssrc:4012956172 mslabel:2yMfiToO0B0g0rBtLDd7vEaYmQ9PrZ0QUC9w a=ssrc:4012956172 label:1e978692-178f-46cb-8c18-8f130343f637
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.transport | received WebSocket text message:
SIP/2.0 100 trying -- your call is important to us Via: SIP/2.0/WSS asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK6711062;rport=43402;received= To: sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name From: "webrtc" sip:500@domain_name;tag=t9cuh03rp3 Call-ID: eq07e6in98hmjs1uulas CSeq: 8517 INVITE Server: kamailio (5.5.0 (x86_64/linux)) Content-Length: 0
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | ICE Connection State changed to iceConnectionChecking LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.transport | received WebSocket text message:
SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error Via: SIP/2.0/WSS asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK6711062;received=;rport=43402 Call-ID: eq07e6in98hmjs1uulas From: "webrtc"sip:500@domain_name;tag=t9cuh03rp3 To: sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name;tag=23r36zzp CSeq: 8517 INVITE Warning: 399 03077.08860.B.005.422. "SDP body length beyond limit" Content-Length: 0
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.transport | sending WebSocket message:
ACK sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS asv5il0mh6sc.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK2860365 Max-Forwards: 70 To: sip:+6282311XXXXXX@domain_name;tag=23r36zzp From: "webrtc" sip:500@domain_name;tag=t9cuh03rp3 Call-ID: eq07e6in98hmjs1uulas CSeq: 8517 ACK Supported: outbound User-Agent: SIP.js/0.13.6 Content-Length: 0
LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.inviteclientcontext | closing INVITE session eq07e6in98hmjs1uulast9cuh03rp3 LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | closing PeerConnection LoggerFactory.js:100 Mon Aug 16 2021 10:42:56 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time) | sip.invitecontext.sessionDescriptionHandler | resetIceGatheringComplete
and this is config of kamailio.cfg
#!define WITH_MYSQL #!define WITH_AUTH #!define WITH_USRLOCDB #!define WITH_TLS #!define WITH_HOMER #!define WITH_WEBSOCKETS #!define WITH_ANTIFLOOD ##!define WITH_IPV6 ##!define WITH_BRIDGE_ON_FAIL #!define WITH_LOCALHOST_WS ##!define WITH_LOCALHOST_SIP #!define WITH_PSTN
#!substdef "!MY_SIP_PORT!5060!g" #!substdef "!MY_SIPS_PORT!5061!g" #!substdef "!MY_WS_PORT!8080!g" #!substdef "!MY_WSS_PORT!4443!g"
#!substdef "!MY_IP4_ADDR!IP-SERVER!g" #!substdef "!IP4_LOCALHOST!!g" #!substdef "!MY_WS4_ADDR!tcp:MY_IP4_ADDR:MY_WS_PORT!g" #!substdef "!MY_WSS4_ADDR!tls:MY_IP4_ADDR:MY_WSS_PORT!g" #!substdef "!LOCALHOST_WS4_ADDR!tcp:IP4_LOCALHOST:MY_WS_PORT!g" #!substdef "!LOCALHOST_WSS4_ADDR!tls:IP4_LOCALHOST:MY_WSS_PORT!g"
#!ifdef WITH_IPV6 #!substdef "!MY_IP6_ADDR![IPv6-SERVER]!g" #!substdef "!IP6_LOCALHOST![::1]!g" #!substdef "!MY_WS6_ADDR!tcp:MY_IP6_ADDR:MY_WS_PORT!g" #!substdef "!MY_WSS6_ADDR!tls:MY_IP6_ADDR:MY_WSS_PORT!g" #!substdef "!LOCALHOST_WS6_ADDR!tcp:IP6_LOCALHOST:MY_WS_PORT!g" #!substdef "!LOCALHOST_WSS6_ADDR!tls:IP6_LOCALHOST:MY_WSS_PORT!g" #!endif
#!substdef "!MY_DOMAIN!DOMAIN-NAME!g"
# *** Value defines - IDs used later in config #!ifdef WITH_MYSQL # - database URL - used to connect to database server by modules such # as: auth_db, acc, usrloc, a.s.o. #!ifndef DBURL #!define DBURL "mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio" #!endif #!endif
# - flags # FLT_ - per transaction (message) flags # FLB_ - per branch flags #!define FLT_NATS 5
#!define FLB_NATB 6 #!define FLB_NATSIPPING 7 #!define FLB_RTPWS 8 #!define FLB_IPV6 9 #!define FLB_V4V6 10 #!define FLB_BRIDGE 11
####### Global Parameters #########
### LOG Levels: 3=DBG, 2=INFO, 1=NOTICE, 0=WARN, -1=ERR #!ifdef WITH_DEBUG debug=4 log_stderror=no #!else debug=2 log_stderror=no #!endif
memdbg=5 memlog=5
fork=yes children=4
port=MY_SIP_PORT tls_port_no=MY_SIPS_PORT
#!ifdef WITH_TLS enable_tls=yes #!endif
listen=MY_IP4_ADDR #!ifdef WITH_LOCALHOST_SIP listen=IP4_LOCALHOST #!endif #!ifdef WITH_IPV6 listen=MY_IP6_ADDR #!ifdef WITH_LOCALHOST_SIP listen=IP6_LOCALHOST #!endif #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS listen=MY_WS4_ADDR #!ifdef WITH_LOCALHOST_WS listen=LOCALHOST_WS4_ADDR #!endif #!ifdef WITH_IPV6 listen=MY_WS6_ADDR #!ifdef WITH_LOCALHOST_WS listen=LOCALHOST_WS6_ADDR #!endif #!endif #!ifdef WITH_TLS listen=MY_WSS4_ADDR #!ifdef WITH_LOCALHOST_WS listen=LOCALHOST_WSS4_ADDR #!endif #!ifdef WITH_IPV6 listen=MY_WSS6_ADDR #!ifdef WITH_LOCALHOST_WS listen=LOCALHOST_WSS6_ADDR #!endif #!endif #!endif #!endif
use_dns_cache = on # Use KAMAILIO internal DNS cache use_dns_failover = on # Depends on KAMAILIO internal DNS cache dns_srv_loadbalancing = on # dns_try_naptr = on # dns_retr_time=1 # Time in seconds before retrying a DNS request dns_retr_no=3 # Number of DNS retransmissions before giving up
# Set protocol preference order - ignore target priority dns_naptr_ignore_rfc= yes # Ignore target NAPTR priority dns_tls_pref=50 # First priority: TLS dns_tcp_pref=30 # Second priority: TCP dns_udp_pref=10 # Third priority: UDP
tcp_connection_lifetime=3604 tcp_accept_no_cl=yes tcp_rd_buf_size=16384
#!ifdef WITH_PSTN /* PSTN GW Routing * * - pstn.gw_ip: valid IP or hostname as string value, example: * pstn.gw_ip = "" desc "My PSTN GW Address" * * - by default is empty to avoid misrouting */
pstn.gw_ip = "IP-SIP-TRUNK-SERVER" pstn.gw_port = "5060"
# set paths to location of modules (to sources or installation folders) #!ifdef WITH_SRCPATH mpath="modules/" #!else mpath="/usr/lib64/kamailio/modules/" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_MYSQL loadmodule "db_mysql.so" #!endif
loadmodule "kex.so" loadmodule "corex.so" loadmodule "tm.so" loadmodule "tmx.so" loadmodule "sl.so" loadmodule "rr.so" loadmodule "pv.so" loadmodule "maxfwd.so" loadmodule "usrloc.so" loadmodule "registrar.so" loadmodule "textops.so" loadmodule "siputils.so" loadmodule "xlog.so" loadmodule "sanity.so" loadmodule "ctl.so" loadmodule "cfg_rpc.so" loadmodule "sdpops.so" loadmodule "textopsx.so"
#!ifdef WITH_AUTH loadmodule "auth.so" loadmodule "auth_db.so" #!ifdef WITH_IPAUTH loadmodule "permissions.so" #!endif #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_PRESENCE loadmodule "presence.so" loadmodule "presence_xml.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_TLS loadmodule "tls.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_HOMER loadmodule "siptrace.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS loadmodule "xhttp.so" loadmodule "websocket.so" loadmodule "nathelper.so" loadmodule "rtpengine.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_ANTIFLOOD loadmodule "htable.so" loadmodule "pike.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_DEBUG loadmodule "debugger.so" #!endif
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# ----- rr params ----- # add value to ;lr param to cope with most of the UAs modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1) # do not append from tag to the RR (no need for this script) modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)
# ----- registrar params ----- modparam("registrar", "method_filtering", 1) # max value for expires of registrations modparam("registrar", "max_expires", 3600)
# ----- usrloc params ----- /* enable DB persistency for location entries */ #!ifdef WITH_USRLOCDB modparam("usrloc", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2) #!endif
# ----- auth_db params ----- #!ifdef WITH_AUTH modparam("auth_db", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", 1) modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password") modparam("auth_db", "load_credentials", "") #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_PRESENCE # ----- presence params ----- modparam("presence", "db_url", DBURL)
# ----- presence_xml params ----- modparam("presence_xml", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("presence_xml", "force_active", 1) #!endif
##!ifdef WITH_NAT # ----- rtpproxy params ----- modparam("rtpengine", "rtpengine_sock", "udp:") modparam("rtpengine", "extra_id_pv", "$avp(extra_id)")
# ----- nathelper params ----- modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 30) modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1) modparam("nathelper", "sipping_bflag", FLB_NATSIPPING) modparam("nathelper", "sipping_from", "sip:pinger@DOMAIN-NAME") modparam("nathelper|registrar", "received_avp", "$avp(RECEIVED)") modparam("usrloc", "nat_bflag", FLB_NATB) ##!endif
# ----- corex params ----- modparam("corex", "alias_subdomains", "MY_DOMAIN")
#!ifdef WITH_TLS # ----- tls params ----- modparam("tls", "config", "/etc/kamailio/tls.cfg") modparam("tls", "tls_force_run", 1) #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS modparam("nathelper|registrar", "received_avp", "$avp(RECEIVED)") #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_HOMER #Siptrace modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_uri", "sip:") modparam("siptrace", "hep_mode_on", 1) modparam("siptrace", "trace_to_database", 0) modparam("siptrace", "trace_flag", 22) modparam("siptrace", "trace_on", 1) #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_ANTIFLOOD # ----- pike params ----- modparam("pike", "sampling_time_unit", 2) modparam("pike", "reqs_density_per_unit", 16) modparam("pike", "remove_latency", 4)
# ----- htable params ----- # ip ban htable with autoexpire after 5 minutes modparam("htable", "htable", "ipban=>size=8;autoexpire=300;") #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_DEBUG # ----- debugger params ----- modparam("debugger", "cfgtrace", 1) #!endif
####### Routing Logic ######## request_route { #!ifdef WITH_HOMER # start duplicate the SIP message here sip_trace(); setflag(22); #!endif
# per request initial checks route(REQINIT);
xlog("L_INFO", "START: $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp)\n");
if ($proto =~ "ws") { xlog("L_INFO", "START WEBSOCKET : $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp) websocket id $ws_conid\n"); }
if (nat_uac_test(64)) { # Do NAT traversal stuff for requests from a WebSocket # connection - even if it is not behind a NAT! # This won't be needed in the future if Kamailio and the # WebSocket client support Outbound and Path. force_rport(); if (is_method("REGISTER")) { fix_nated_register(); } else if (!add_contact_alias()) { xlog("L_ERR", "Error aliasing contact <$ct>\n"); sl_send_reply("400", "Bad Request"); exit; } } #!endif
# NAT detection route(NATDETECT);
# CANCEL processing if (is_method("CANCEL")) { if (t_check_trans()) { route(RELAY); } exit; }
# handle requests within SIP dialogs route(WITHINDLG);
### only initial requests (no To tag)
# authentication route(AUTH);
# record routing for dialog forming requests (in case they are routed) # - remove preloaded route headers remove_hf("Route"); if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE")) { record_route(); }
# dispatch requests to foreign domains route(SIPOUT);
### requests for my local domains
# handle presence related requests route(PRESENCE);
# handle registrations route(REGISTRAR);
if ($rU == $null) { # request with no Username in RURI sl_send_reply("484","Address Incomplete"); exit; }
# dispatch destinations to PSTN route(PSTN);
# user location service route(LOCATION); }
# Wrapper for relaying requests route[RELAY] { # enable additional event routes for forwarded requests # - serial forking, RTP relaying handling, a.s.o. if (is_method("INVITE|BYE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE")) { if (!t_is_set("branch_route")) { t_on_branch("MANAGE_BRANCH"); } }
if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE")) { if (!t_is_set("onreply_route")) { t_on_reply("MANAGE_REPLY"); } }
if (is_method("INVITE")) { if (!t_is_set("failure_route")) { t_on_failure("MANAGE_FAILURE"); } }
if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); } exit; }
# Per SIP request initial checks route[REQINIT] { #!ifdef WITH_ANTIFLOOD # flood dection from same IP and traffic ban for a while # be sure you exclude checking trusted peers, such as pstn gateways # - local host excluded (e.g., loop to self) if (src_ip != myself) { if ($sht(ipban=>$si) != $null) { # ip is already blocked xdbg("request from blocked IP - $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp)\n"); exit; }
if (!pike_check_req()) { xlog("L_ALERT","ALERT: pike blocking $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp)\n"); $sht(ipban=>$si) = 1; exit; } } #!endif
if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); exit; }
if (!sanity_check("1511", "7")) { xlog("Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp\n"); exit; } }
# Handle requests within SIP dialogs route[WITHINDLG] { if (has_totag()) { # sequential request withing a dialog should # take the path determined by record-routing if (loose_route()) { #!ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS if ($du == "") { if (!handle_ruri_alias()) { xlog("L_ERR", "Bad alias <$ru>\n"); sl_send_reply("400", "Bad Request"); exit; } } #!endif route(DLGURI); if (is_method("ACK")) { # ACK is forwarded statelessy route(NATMANAGE); } else if (is_method("NOTIFY")) { # Add Record-Route for in-dialog NOTIFY as per RFC 6665. record_route(); } route(RELAY); } else { if (is_method("SUBSCRIBE") && uri == myself) { # in-dialog subscribe requests route(PRESENCE); exit; } if (is_method("ACK")) { if (t_check_trans()) { # no loose-route, but stateful ACK; # must be an ACK after a 487 # or e.g. 404 from upstream server route(RELAY); exit; } else { # ACK without matching transaction ... ignore and discard exit; } } sl_send_reply("404","Not here"); } exit; } }
# Handle SIP registrations route[REGISTRAR] { if (is_method("REGISTER")) { if (isflagset(FLT_NATS)) { setbflag(FLB_NATB); # uncomment next line to do SIP NAT pinging ## setbflag(FLB_NATSIPPING); }
#!ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (af == INET6) { setbflag(FLB_IPV6); } #!endif
if (!save("location")) { sl_reply_error(); }
exit; } }
# USER location service route[LOCATION] { if (!lookup("location")) { $var(rc) = $rc; t_newtran(); switch ($var(rc)) { case -1: case -3: send_reply("404", "Not Found"); exit; case -2: send_reply("405", "Method Not Allowed"); exit; } }
route(RELAY); exit; }
# Presence server route route[PRESENCE] { if (!is_method("PUBLISH|SUBSCRIBE")) { return; }
if (is_method("SUBSCRIBE") && $hdr(Event) == "message-summary") { # returns here if no voicemail server is configured sl_send_reply("404", "No voicemail service"); exit; }
#!ifdef WITH_PRESENCE if (!t_newtran()) { sl_reply_error(); exit; }
if (is_method("PUBLISH")) { handle_publish(); t_release(); } else if (is_method("SUBSCRIBE")) { handle_subscribe(); t_release(); } exit; #!endif
# if presence enabled, this part will not be executed if (is_method("PUBLISH") || $rU == $null) { sl_send_reply("404", "Not here"); exit; } return; }
# Authentication route route[AUTH] { #!ifdef WITH_AUTH if (is_method("REGISTER") || from_uri == myself) { # authenticate requests if (!auth_check("$fd", "subscriber", "1")) { auth_challenge("$fd", "0"); exit; } # user authenticated - remove auth header if (!is_method("REGISTER|PUBLISH")) { consume_credentials(); } } # if caller is not local subscriber, then check if it calls # a local destination, otherwise deny, not an open relay here if (from_uri != myself && uri != myself) { sl_send_reply("403","Not relaying"); exit; }
#!endif return; }
# Caller NAT detection route route[NATDETECT] { #!ifdef WITH_IPV6 if(af==INET6) { return; } #!endif
force_rport(); if (nat_uac_test("19")) { if (is_method("REGISTER")) { fix_nated_register(); } else if (is_first_hop()) { set_contact_alias(); } setflag(FLT_NATS); } return; }
# NAT handling route[NATMANAGE] { if (is_request()) { if (has_totag()) { if (check_route_param("nat=yes")) { setbflag(FLB_NATB); }
if (check_route_param("rtp=bridge")) { setbflag(FLB_BRIDGE); }
if (check_route_param("rtp=ws")) { setbflag(FLB_RTPWS); }
#!ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (check_route_param("rtp=v46")) { setbflag(FLB_V4V6); } #!endif } }
if (!isbflagset(FLB_BRIDGE)) { return; }
if ( !(isflagset(FLT_NATS) || isbflagset(FLB_NATB) || isbflagset(FLB_RTPWS) #!ifdef WITH_IPV6 || isbflagset(FLB_V4V6) #!endif )) { return; }
$xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = "replace-origin replace-session-connection";
if (!nat_uac_test("8")) { $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " trust-address"; }
if (is_request()) { if (!has_totag()) { if (!t_is_failure_route()) { $avp(extra_id) = @via[1].branch + $T_branch_idx; $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " via-branch=extra"; } } }
if (is_reply()) { $avp(extra_id) = @via[2].branch + $T_branch_idx; $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " via-branch=extra"; }
#!ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (af == INET && isbflagset(FLB_IPV6)) { # IPv4 --> IPv6 $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " address-family=IP6"; } else if (af == INET6 && !isbflagset(FLB_IPV6)) { # IPv6 --> IPv4 $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " address-family=IP4"; } #!endif
if (isbflagset(FLB_RTPWS)) { if ($proto =~ "ws") { # web --> SIP $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " rtcp-mux-demux DTLS=off SDES-off ICE=remove RTP/AVP"; } else { # SIP --> web $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " rtcp-mux-offer generate-mid DTLS=passive SDES-off ICE=force RTP/SAVPF"; } } else { if ($proto =~ "ws") { # web --> web $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + " generate-mid DTLS=passive SDES-off ICE=force"; } # else { # $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) = $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx) + ""; # } }
xlog("L_INFO", "NATMANAGE branch_id:$T_branch_idx ruri: $ru, method:$rm, status:$rs, extra_id: $avp(extra_id), rtpengine_manage: $xavp(r=>$T_branch_idx)\n");
if (is_request()) { if (!has_totag()) { if (t_is_branch_route()) { if (isbflagset(FLB_NATB)) { add_rr_param(";nat=yes"); }
if (isbflagset(FLB_BRIDGE)) { add_rr_param(";rtp=bridge"); }
if (isbflagset(FLB_RTPWS)) { add_rr_param(";rtp=ws"); }
#!ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (isbflagset(FLB_V4V6)) { add_rr_param(";rtp=v46"); } #!endif } } }
if (is_reply()) { if (isbflagset(FLB_NATB)) { if (is_first_hop()) { if (af == INET) { set_contact_alias(); } } } } return; }
# URI update for dialog requests route[DLGURI] { if (!isdsturiset()) { handle_ruri_alias(); } return; }
# Routing to foreign domains route[SIPOUT] { if (!uri == myself) { append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n"); route(RELAY); } }
route[BRIDGING] { if (!has_totag()) { if ($proto =~ "ws" && !($ru =~ "transport=ws")) { # Coming from WS, NOT to WS setbflag(FLB_RTPWS); # Need bridging } else if (!($proto =~ "ws") && $ru =~ "transport=ws") { # Coming from NOT WS, going to WS setbflag(FLB_RTPWS); # Need bridging }
#!ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (af == INET6 && !isbflagset(FLB_IPV6)) { setbflag(FLB_V4V6); } else if(af == INET && isbflagset(FLB_IPV6)) { setbflag(FLB_V4V6); } #!endif } }
# manage outgoing branches branch_route[MANAGE_BRANCH] { xlog("L_INFO", "MANAGE_BRANCH: New branch [$T_branch_idx] to $ru\n");
#!ifndef WITH_BRIDGE_ON_FAIL setbflag(FLB_BRIDGE); #!endif
route(BRIDGING); route(NATMANAGE); }
# manage incoming replies onreply_route[MANAGE_REPLY] { xdbg("incoming reply\n"); if (status =~ "[12][0-9][0-9]") { route(NATMANAGE); } }
# manage failure routing cases failure_route[MANAGE_FAILURE] { xlog("L_INFO", "Failure: $rs"); }
#!ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS onreply_route { if ((($Rp == MY_WS_PORT || $Rp == MY_WSS_PORT) && !(proto == WS || proto == WSS))) { xlog("L_WARN", "SIP response received on $Rp\n"); drop; }
if (nat_uac_test(64)) { # Do NAT traversal stuff for replies to a WebSocket connection # - even if it is not behind a NAT! # This won't be needed in the future if Kamailio and the # WebSocket client support Outbound and Path. add_contact_alias(); } }
event_route[tm:branch-failure:rtpengine] { xlog("L_INFO", "BRANCH FAILED: $sel(via[1].branch) + $T_branch_idx");
#!ifdef WITH_BRIDGE_ON_FAIL if (!isbflagset(FLB_BRIDGE) && t_check_status("415|488")) { t_reuse_branch(); setbflag(FLB_BRIDGE); xlog("L_INFO", "event_route[branch-failure:rtpengine]: trying again\n");
route(RELAY); } else { $avp(extra_id) = @via[1].branch + $T_branch_idx; rtpengine_delete("via-branch=extra"); xlog("L_INFO", "event_route[branch-failure:rtpengine]: failed\n"); } #!else $avp(extra_id) = @via[1].branch + $T_branch_idx; rtpengine_delete("via-branch=extra"); #!endif }
event_route[xhttp:request] { set_reply_close(); set_reply_no_connect();
if ($Rp != MY_WS_PORT #!ifdef WITH_TLS && $Rp != MY_WSS_PORT #!endif ) { xlog("L_WARN", "HTTP request received on $Rp\n"); xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "", ""); exit; }
xlog("L_INFO", "HTTP Request Received\n");
if ($hdr(Upgrade) =~ "websocket" && $hdr(Connection) =~ "Upgrade" && $rm =~ "GET" ) {
# Validate Host - make sure the client is using the correct # alias for WebSockets if ($hdr(Host) == $null || !is_myself("sip:" + $hdr(Host))) { xlog("L_WARN", "Bad host $hdr(Host)\n"); xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "", ""); exit; }
# Optional... validate Origin - make sure the client is from an # authorised website. For example, # # if ($hdr(Origin) != "https://example.com" # && $hdr(Origin) != "https://example.com") { # xlog("L_WARN", "Unauthorised client $hdr(Origin)\n"); # xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "", ""); # exit; # }
# Optional... perform HTTP authentication
# ws_handle_handshake() exits (no further configuration file # processing of the request) when complete. if (ws_handle_handshake()) { # Optional... cache some information about the # successful connection exit; } }
xhttp_reply("404", "Not Found", "", ""); }
event_route[websocket:closed] { xlog("L_INFO", "WebSocket connection from $si:$sp has closed\n"); } #!endif
# PSTN GW routing route[PSTN] { #!ifdef WITH_PSTN # check if PSTN GW IP is defined if (strempty($sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_ip))) { xlog("SCRIPT: PSTN routing enabled but pstn.gw_ip not defined\n"); return; }
# route to PSTN dialed numbers starting with '+' or '00' # (international format) # - update the condition to match your dialing rules for PSTN routing if(!($rU=~"^(+|00)[1-9][0-9]{3,20}$")) return;
# only local users allowed to call if(from_uri!=myself) { sl_send_reply("403", "Not Allowed"); exit; }
# normalize target number for pstn gateway # - convert leading 00 to + if (starts_with("$rU", "00")) { strip(2); prefix("+"); }
if (strempty($sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_port))) { $ru = "sip:" + $rU + "@" + $sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_ip); } else { $ru = "sip:" + $rU + "@" + $sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_ip) + ":" + $sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_port); }
route(RELAY); exit; #!endif
return; }