thanks for this good piece of work. I am currently (or better said permanently) running of time, so I didn't give it a really solid review, but the structure and way the facts are presented look very favorable.
Thank you,
At 07:28 PM 3/29/2005, Simon Miles wrote:
Dear All,
Paul, Greger and myself would like you to know that the next issue of 'Getting Started' is now available on the web site.
This new version builds upon the last issue by adding NAT support.
We have covered both mediaproxy AND rtpproxy and explain how to implement either. Example config files are explained and these can be downloaded from the web site as well.
Many thanks for all the very supportive feedback we have received. We are doing this for the community and always welcome feedback on the document to make it more readable etc. Comments are welcome on the web site, goto Forums and select the Getting Started Feedback area.
To download the document, go to the download section.
We hope this is of benefit to the Community.
Paul, Simon, Greger
Serusers mailing list
-- Jiri Kuthan