2008/2/13, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan@voice-system.ro:
Hi Peter,
From accounting point of view, the relevant timestamp is when the call starts and, from sip point of view, this is 200 OK.
BTW our Cisco gateway sends Start exactly then INVITE arrives.
Actually all I need is to make sights of redirected calls. For example if UserA calls UserB and UserB wants to redirect all calls to UserC and UserC redirects all calls to UserD in case of failure etc.
The main problem is that if I make a huge number of rewrites or RURI all I can send to RADIUS in Start-message is a combination of from-uri, to-uri and request-uri. All intermediate steps will be completely lost - - in the upper example RADUIS won't know anything about UserC. That's not good fo me.
To resolve this problem I initially decided to log all INVITEs even they and the best way to do so is to mimic the behavior of Cisco which sends Start-messages on each INVITE and not on 200OKs.
Maybe there are other ways to keep information about previous Request-URI in the body of SIP-message?