On 14.08.2009 17:10 Uhr, Alex Balashov wrote:
This can certainly be done using the subst() function in textops,
as alternative, the subst transformation from textops together with remove/add header can be used. The benefit is working only on the header body, although in this particular case, possible matches in other parts of the message is very low. http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/transformations:1.5.x#re.subst_exp...
Cheers, Daniel
but it is not proper for a proxy to make such manipulations.
Dmitri G. wrote:
Is there a way to remove 100rel from Supported header (only this, and keep the others) by Kamailio? I am using Kamailio 1.5.1 notls.
Kind regards, Dmitri