i started to wonder why routing was sometimes wrong in my proxy and after studying the issue, i came to the conclusion that mtree reload commands (mi or rpc) don't remove entries from memory when they are removed from database.
i started my proxy with empty mtrees db table (and empty memory table):
# sip-proxy_ctl mi mt_summary MT:: TNAME=lp_out TTYPE=0 MEMSIZE=0 NRNODES=0 NRITEMS=0 RELOADCOUNT=0 RELOADTIME=1400419785
then i added one entry to db table and gave reload command. after that one entry correctly showed up in memory table:
# sip-proxy_ctl mi mt_summary MT:: TNAME=lp_out TTYPE=0 MEMSIZE=1636 NRNODES=6 NRITEMS=1 RELOADCOUNT=1 RELOADTIME=1400419817
then i deleted the only entry from db, verified with phpmyadmin that the table really was empty, and gave again reload command. that command didn't have any effect in memory table:
# sip-proxy_ctl mi mt_summary MT:: TNAME=lp_out TTYPE=0 MEMSIZE=1636 NRNODES=6 NRITEMS=1 RELOADCOUNT=1 RELOADTIME=1400419817
not even reload count got incremented.
after that i went and added some debug to rpc_mtree_reload function and got this:
May 18 16:30:17 siika /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[26536]: INFO: mtree [mtree_mod.c:1169]: rpc_mtree_reload(): reloading from db 'lp_out'
the info is here:
LM_INFO("reloading from db '%.*s'\n", pt->tname.len, pt->tname.s); if(mt_load_db(pt)!=0) { LM_ERR("cannot re-load mtree from database\n"); goto error; }
my conclusion is that mt_load_db() function is somehow broken.
-- juha