El Tuesday 10 July 2007 16:40:46 Rizwan Hisham escribió:
Hi all, im a new user of openser. how can i use mediaproxy found at www.ag-projects.com to destribute load on my 2 asterisk servers. I have configured a simple openser server which routes every request to asterisk. now i want to install another asterisk server and openser will be used to destribute calls between the 2. openser is running fine, i need to learn how mediaproxy works along with openser. i have installed the mediaproxy but the following error shows up when starting openser:
0(0) ERROR:mediaproxy:mod_init: Bad config - nat ping enabled, but not nat bflag set in usrloc module
This means you want to ping NAT users but you haven't defined which bflag will be used to determine that. For example, using RtpProxy I set: modparam("nathelper", "sipping_bflag", 7)
Maybe with mediaproxy the param is diferent (not sure). Look at this:
"How to use sip_ping from the nathelper module" http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.2.x/mediaproxy.html#AEN188
You can read too this good tutorial (is about SER but you must change "break" by "exit" XD): http://siprouter.onsip.org/doc/gettingstarted/ch08.html