Ok, can someone please tell me why 4999 LCR entries is too many? What's the limit? Is it hard coded in the OpenSER source? Why?
Mar 25 17:44:49 s_local@st008/St008 /usr/local/sbin/openser[7517]: INFO:xlog:mod_init: initializing... Mar 25 17:44:49 s_local@st008/St008 /usr/local/sbin/openser[7517]: ERROR:lcr:reload_gws: Too many lcr entries <4999> Mar 25 17:44:49 s_local@st008/St008 /usr/local/sbin/openser[7517]: CRITICAL:lcr:mod_init: Failed to reload gateways and routes Mar 25 17:44:49 s_local@st008/St008 /usr/local/sbin/openser[7517]: ERROR:core:init_mod: failed to initialize module lcr Mar 25 17:44:49 s_local@st008/St008 /usr/local/sbin/openser[7517]: ERROR:core:main: error while initializing modules
5000 LCR entries is NOT excessive. We have almost 10,000 routes from Verizon alone.
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