Does anybody know about this situation? Please, any comment is welcome... Thanks
caio escribió:
Does save() method of registrar module use original sip message or can it use a modified one like for example by the subst() method of textops module?
For example:
A coming "To" header of the a REGISTER is modified and then the save() is called:
Code: # REGISTER subst_uri('/^(.*)sip:(ip_address)(.*)$/\1sip:mydomain\3/i'); subst('/^To:(.*)sip:(.*)@(ip_address)(.*)$/To:\1sip:\2@mydomain\4/i'); save("location");
Jan 12 10:09:34 [/usr/sbin/ser] subst_run: matched (0, 17): [sip:]_ Jan 12 10:09:34 [/usr/sbin/ser] textops: subst_uri_f: match - old uri= [sip:ip_address], new uri= [sip:mydomain]_ Jan 12 10:09:34 [/usr/sbin/ser] subst_run: running. r=0_ Jan 12 10:09:34 [/usr/sbin/ser] subst_run: matched (172, 40): [To: "579997" sip:579997@ip_address_]_ Jan 12 10:09:34 [/usr/sbin/ser] textops: subst_f: replacing at offset 208 [To: "579997" sip:579997@ip_address_] with [To: "579997" sip:579997@mydomain_]_
Cheers.. Caio