In our project we need to query current users, dialogs and ability to end
dialog using some rpc. Requirements are - do this remotely. I already tried
to use xmlrpc module. When we had 42 users online it returned 17kb broken
xml file. Then I tried to use binrpc protocol from CTL module. Usage ends
with returning broken message too (in case, when message is biger than
Are there any other more stable solutions to query mi information using
some tcp protocol?
P.S. When I discovered sources of CTL module I found usage of writev - here
is the problem about partial packets, when buffer is longer, than 21kb it
don't pushes all vector buffers into socket. And in general, this module is
using async sockets, AFAIK writev don't gives any guarantees, that it will
write all vectors in async sockets.
P.P.S. Of couse, last resort solution will be writing proxy for using
mi_fifo on kamailio side to forward all records to other servers, but if
there are more pretty solutions, please give me know:)