Hello everyone,
I have a SIP provider that gives me access to different routes over the same IP address but different prefixes.
I have to send all calls to the same IP but I need to inlcude a prefix to allow vendor to route calls to different carriers.
I will use carrierroute (cr) module and in case prefix 1 fails, I should send the call to prefix 2 and so on.
The problem I have is cr module detects that this host (public vendor ip) was already used and I am getting this warning:
NOTICE: carrierroute [cr_func.c:324]: cr_uri_already_used(): Candidate destination
This machine use public DNS and I tried to set up 3 entries in /etc/hosts
public_iP vendor_1 public_iP vendor_2 public_iP vendor_3
and instead of using the IP in rewrite_host I changed to the name: vendor_1, vendor_2. vendor_3 but I got error: ERROR: tm [ut.h:337]: uri2dst2(): failed to resolve "vendor_1"
Is there a better war to resolve this
Thank you in advance