We are checking the kamailio source code for the ASYNC module. The system is working for REQUEST_ROUTE, but not for REPLY_ROUTE.
We added the ANY_ROUTE in the cmd_export_t, but still the async_route is not able to suspend for SIP Reply (For example, 401 - Unauthorized). Can we get some help on how to perform this. Some hints on how to perform would really help our development.
static cmd_export_t cmds[]={ {"async_route", (cmd_function)w_async_route, 2, fixup_async_route, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|ANY_ROUTE}, {"async_sleep", (cmd_function)w_async_sleep, 1, fixup_async_sleep, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|ANY_ROUTE}, {"async_task_route", (cmd_function)w_async_task_route, 1, fixup_async_task_route, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|ANY_ROUTE}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };
Regards, RajaGopal Maddi