On 10/8/21 1:49 PM, Sergiu Pojoga wrote:
Like our comrades at APIBAN. Had to patch the CA list on older linux distros to get this restarted.
Oct 8 10:20:21 kamailio[8476]: WARNING: http_client [functions.c:308]: curL_request_url(): TLS server certificate validation error (No valid CA cert) (url: https://apiban.org/api/.. https://apiban.org/api/...)
@Fred, all good out there bud? lol
The only problems I'm seeing are on local systems that don't trust the cert as the apiban cert is valid. If the system has the updated CA, the request will work.
"if clients of your API are using OpenSSL, they must use version 1.1.0 or later"
Fred Posner | palner.com Matrix: @fred:matrix.lod.com o: +1 (212) 937-7844