tks marian
Can I not set the session-timer based upon the initial time left which is
calculated when a person initiates the call.
The way I do my billing, is that countries will be packaged, rather than
allow anyone to call any country, and then top up there account, hence
countries 1-33 come in pack A etc etc, since we feel that users tend to
call at most 5 countries..if that, hence they will buy a pack which fits
Based on this we have a upper (blended cost) for each pack, which is what
is assigned in our rate table (for customers), for internal usage we
have a cost per country (just so that accounts knows exactly what it
costs us).
Now when a user calls ...this is the aim external script is
called which sees which pack the country falls in, it knows the blended
rate, and then works out max mins the customers has left , then I wanted
to update the session timer (this is where I havent worked out how).
So he calls USA, has 60 mins left, hence the session timer for this call
can be 1800 secs, whereas someone who has 10 mins left the session
-timer would be 300 secs...I am not sure if I can do this, but it
sounded good on paper :-)
If that is possible, and my end gateways support this, then I dont need
to go down a heavy handed billing approach, which I am trying to avoid
like the plague, because looking at the way telcoms is moving and
considering billing a customer adds a huge weight to the cost of the
business...even if its online, telcos will I think goto a flat pricing
model, as more and more countries allow termination at the same price
(or close).
On 3/26/2005, "Marian Dumitru" <marian.dumitru(a)> wrote:
Hi Iqbal,
I think you should be aware of the limitations of this solution.
The accuracy of your billing will depend of the ST value. Ex: if a user
has 5 more seconds credit at last re-INVITE he will be able to talk till
the next re-INVITE comes - which will be in 2 minutes if ST value is 120.
If you try to reduce ST to increase the accuracy, you risk to overload
your server with re-INVITEs.
This will reflect mostly if you try to use rating plans with different
Best regards,
Iqbal wrote:
perfect, just what I needed for my kludge
solution ...:-)
Jan Janak wrote:
> Yes, exactly. You can force the cisco to send re-INVITEs and drop them
> on your SER proxy when the user runs out of credit. The cisco would
> terminate the call if the re-INVITE does not make it through.
> Jan.
> On 24-03 12:46, Iqbal wrote:
>> Hi
>> Okay so that I'm on the same page with this, doe sthis mean if my GW
>> supports this...from what I read cisco seems to, that on a INVITE
>> coming from a UA (even if its not cisco), I can set session-expires,
>> and use the GW then to drop the session...if so when dropped will it
>> send a BYE
>> Iqbal
>> Java Rockx wrote:
>>> Nevermind all - I found the answer (thanks Jan) in the archives.
>>> Regards,
>>> Paul
>>> On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 21:01:04 -0500, Java Rockx <javarockx(a)>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All.
>>>> Our PSTN gateway supports Session-Expires for re-INVITEs. The session
>>>> timer is "automagically" enabled when dialing SIP->PSTN.
>>>> However, when calling PSTN->SIP re-INVITEs do not happen, however the
>>>> PSTN GW does support them.
>>>> I think the problem is that PSTN->SIP calls need to (for some reason)
>>>> explicitly request session timers.
>>>> How would I request this? I know I can add the "Session-Expires:
>>>> 120;refresher=??" header, but do I then do this in the 200OK
>>>> back to the PSTN GW?
>>>> Also, if the PSTN->SIP call is asking the PSTN GW to enable session
>>>> timers, would the "refresher=" tag be set to UAS or UAC?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Paul
Voice System