Hi all,
I'm new to SER and I started to play around with it as we need a solution to connect UPD UA's connected to Asterisk to a Microsoft LCS and we tough to use SER for this purpose. I've read so far through the Admin guide and it seems that the TCP support is natively embedded into SER. However I've added to the ser.cfg file the following lines (within the route[0] block just before branching to route [1]):
#Forward all traffic with the uri*@ mailto:uri*@
If (uri=~"sip:*@ {
However while sniffing the packets it still appears that the INVITE requests are sent to the LCS using UDP and I receive an ICMP port unreachable. The original request for the UA is sent in UDP. I assume that I configured something wrong and I've checked the mailing lists and I didn't find any related documents. I'm using the latest version of SER available. Needless to say that UDP SIP calls between ASTERISK and SER work fine whatever clients I use.
Any clue or help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much in forecast for your help.
Cheers, Frank