HI Daniel
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com
On 2/17/12 1:04 PM, Javier Gallart wrote:
Hi Daniel,
no, in order to find the best match we do a manual trick using the s.prefixes transformation (I think you suggested that).
could be, at least is the way I do prefix matching with mysql. Postgres, on the other hand, afaik, has an index plugin to match the longest prefix, might not be in default distro, but can be found on the net for sure.
We start with the full $rU and stop when we find a non-null value. This kamailio is serving many thousands of calls per hour, and the response time is pretty much the same as when we used the mtree module. For us , using redis has the advantage of being able to load the tree data faster than when we used postgres without the need to perform a mtree reload.
Loading huge amount of records from mysql takes time indeed.
Maybe prefix matching will be added in redis in the future, or scripted server side in lua, as I understood it has such feature. Another option would be to add a custom command in kamailio like redis_cmd_pmatch() to do internally these prefix-based commands until a match, could simplify the config if it becomes something very popular.
Yes, redis suppors LUA scripting through the EVAL command. Another possible approach would be to use pipelining. Instead of executing a query per prefix, redis offers has the feature of queing multiple commands and send them only once to the server. For example: redis> multi OK redis> "HGET" "tree:1000:routes" "3466157" QUEUED redis> "HGET" "tree:1000:routes" "346615" QUEUED redis> "HGET" "tree:1000:routes" "34661" QUEUED redis> exec 1) (nil) 2) (nil) 3) "c=2000;q=100"
That way the iteration could take place in the result having issued a single command. For that, the redis module should support both multivalue responses.
Also, I forgot about the other solution in kamailio - pdb module written by 1&1 for number portability:
I hadn't thought of using it, thanks for the tip. I will take a look.
Just mentioning it here for let it be known, if redis is working fine for you, makes no sense to look for other solutions.
Cheers, Daniel
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla < miconda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Javier,
one question about redis, can it do longest prefix matching or all prefixes match?
Cheers, Daniel
On 2/16/12 2:51 PM, Javier Gallart wrote:
Hello Uri
I had similar needs and I found the ndb_redis module more suited for that type of task. Instead of a tree you have a hash like this: tname tprefix tvalue. If you do a hget nts $avp(DID) and you get a not null value you have found your exact match. It works very well for me and the time it takes for that "query" is barely noticeable. Of course redis does not address items like persistence, etc the same way a rdbms does. Hope it helps.
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Today's Topics:
- how to match exact string value in mtree (Uri Shacked)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 12:54:50 +0200 From: Uri Shacked ushacked@gmail.com Subject: [SR-Users] how to match exact string value in mtree To: "SIP Router - Kamailio (OpenSER) and SIP Express Router (SER) - Users Mailing List" sr-users@lists.sip-router.org Message-ID: <CAMMbDhTFNXAE-K88= AeMjO7AnA_QJV3Ajj3AH-AxemXN3ze6HQ@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I am using Mtree to match prefix numbers, some of them starts with 0 or characters like D for example. so, the mtree param is like this:
modparam("mtree", "db_url", CFGDB) modparam("mtree", "mtree", "name=nts;dbtable=service_numbers_view;type=0;") modpmodparam("mtree", "char_list", "0123456789*+#YMDabcdefgh") modparam("mtree", "pv_value", "$avp(mtval)") modparam("mtree", "pv_values", "$avp(mtvals)")
The thing is, that i tried all:
if(!mt_match("nts", "$avp(DID)","1")) if(!mt_match("nts", "$avp(DID)","2")) if(!mt_match("nts", "$avp(DID)","0"))
and lets say i have the both prefix in the nts mtree: 09555 09555333
And the prefix i search for is $avp(DID)=09555444
I allwasy get the 09555 because it is the longest match. I need exact match.....
how do i do that?